
Responses from david12

Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom
Jdolgin I would be very interested in your views on the Raven one and Phantom. My unit is on order, initially with the stock Jelco arm. A Phantom is what I am aiming for, so your views would be useful. The UK importer of TW Acustic, also imports Z... 
Best Value Speaker Model for the Buck?
Agree with many of the responses, in particular the Acoustic Zen Adagios I use at the moment. I would add Zu Cain and Cain Abby Gallo 
Koetsu Restoration
I had my Red Signature retipped by the Experst Stylus company in the UK. I think it's very hard to compare the sound, once you have waited a couple of months for it's return, but it sounded pretty darn good to me. They replace tip and cantilever i... 
Can Origin Live be as good as the ads say?
Strangely, I have just sold my OL rig, feeling a bit troubled by it. I settled on the Resolution with an Illustrious arm, which I have used for about 3 years, very good too, good pace detail soundstaging. I agree about the lack of fine adjustment ... 
mastersound SET amps from Italy
They seem quite expensive. If you want Italian design and flare, why not Viva, which are somewhat cheaper. To answer Chris's perfectly valid point, I use a 22watt Viva Solista int and 180 watt SS Karan K180, through my 89db sensitive Acoustic Zen ... 
Preamp/amp far superior to just int. amp.?
One of the perennial questions, as respondents have already said, you get more bang for your bucks with an integrated. I went from a pre/power to a tube integrated amp, with the best sound I have had to date. Traditionally the top of every amp lin... 
How many LPs is enough?
The answer is, when my current rack is full. I have had clear guidance from my wife, that the system has encroached enough. It makes it simple really, no more aquisitive pressure. There was a recent link on Pink Fish to a report from Robert Harley... 
845 SET? deHavilland / Art Audio/et..al.
I would recommend Unison Research, their 845 monoblocks were excellent, when I heard them. I believe one of their large integrated amps are 845's. The Viva line is really special too, I have been using the Solista, a SET 845 integrated with 22 Wat... 
Valve Amplifier suited for my system
Living Voice are built for valves, sorry tubes and have a benign and flat impedence. I asked Kevin scott who builds them and he said they are built for tube amps, but not flea powered ones. If your favour jazz combos or solo singers, 8 watts will ... 
Raven owners - how's your mid-range?
I auditioned a Raven one this week and was very impressed, detailed, dynamic, deep wide soundstage. It is made magnificently, the best German engineering standards. The UK importer I listened with, had quite strong views on arms. He did'nt think R... 
Best sounding CD Player for $3K or less used?
Some great suggestions here, stating my own preference for a musical "Analogue" sound, there are 2 I would recommend. One I own and the other I have heard often Resolution Audio Opus 21 ARC CD3 Mk 2 I went to a show where the Opus was comparted wi... 
Merlin VSM and SETs?
I use similar sensitivity Acoustic Zen Adagio, 89 db, but equally important, a pretty flat 6ohm impedence. A benign impedence is probably more important than sensitivity with a SET. They sound just fine with a 22 watt Viva Solista 845 SET, real gr... 
Is RIAA equalisation enough for Phono Stages?
I am only reporting the Jist of the HiFi+ article, whether the problem was non adoption of RIAA, or as Steph Gaynor suggests, other aspects of cutting and mastering, I am not sure. It certainly ties in with my experience of DGG, that I never reall... 
What started you on the merry go round?
Merry go Round was the wrong way to put it, I meant it in contrast to the heartfelt plea of getting off the darned thing. Amazing how many of us have a similar pattern, starting out in teens or at college, single, but poor, which has it's own set ... 
Largest Impact - Arm or Cart?
Origin Live are indeed, overachievers and give clear performance gain with upgrade. Moving from the Silver Taper, a predecessor to the Encounter, to Illustrious, was instantly better, no equivicatiuon , for me. What they don't have, is efficient, ...