
Responses from david12

Triode versus Ultralinear/Pentode
Taking up atmasphere's point and changing the question. Is it always true that the compromises envolved in making an amp adjustable between Triode and Pentode, mean they will perform worse than an amp optimised for triode or pentode only? To answe... 
Quad 57 stacked v Wilson watt puppy 6/7
The question also depends on your wife/partner. I had unstacked 57's for 10 years. My wife said it was her or the speakers. It was a close call, but the speakers went. They are ugly devils, OK if you like 1950's styling, but who does? The 50's wer... 
Tube amps have a signature sound
As robertwolfee says, trust your ears. I have tube and SS integrateds and I listen to the tube one. It is more expensive, a Viva Solista, but it is streets ahead of the Karan K180. Done well, which the Solista does, there is no midrange warmth. Th... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Since the AC Raven has been mentioned, I might mention some news from the maker. Thomas of TW Acustic is working on a tonearm , voiced for the Raven. It is only in defelopment and may not even appear. I thought Raven owners might be interested. I ... 
vibration isolation bearings
Funny, I had precisely the opposite experience to TBG. I found Aurios pretty marginal, but Rollerblocks very good. Just shows how system dependent tweaks may be 
What are SPU cartridges?
I do agree, recently auditioned the TW Accustic Raven one, with a 12" ortofon arm and an SPU. Great deck, I bought it, but the cartridge was bright, hard, not for me at all 
vibration isolation bearings
I just bought several sets of Rollerblock Jr's on this site. tweaks really are an area where there is no point buying new. They hay worked very well on every component I have tried 
ART Emotion Sig..anyone heard?
I am saying, that in the UK the basic Emotions speakers are £5500 and the Signatures are £9000. The only difference is in Crossover quality I believe, They do another version, considerably more expensive, again with crossover upgrades. I am sure c... 
ART Emotion Sig..anyone heard?
I auditioned the cooking version at half the price, in my system. I was unimpressed, a nice but uninvolving sound, lacking in dynamics. I have heard the Signature version at a number of shows. They were the origonal version I believe and the versi... 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
GNSC modded Resolution Audio Opus 21, my last CD player, until it dies of course. It's detailed, fast, without seeming to be so, like Naim players. No digital glare, I really do put it on a par with my Vinyl system 
Power amp s for Avantgarde Duos?
I am afraid I am not a fan of Avantgard speakers, but I recently heard them at GT Audio, the UK importer. I was auditioning the TW Acustic one turntable. They were driven by Grahams own Tron amps, 3 watts I believe and a very beguiling sound. They... 
How often do you folks vacuum clean your albums?
I remember a thread a year or so ago, in which a 'Goner said he cleaned records every time before playing. I can't remember any response on this forum, leaving me more astounded. Phrases like Obsessive Compulsive, "Get a Life", seem to come to min... 
Suspended vs. non suspended turntable
I have had both and could'nt agree more, "it ain't what you do, but the way that you do it", it's all in the implimentation. I am not sure I agree about isolation and non suspended decks, they seem to be the norm with many new tables recently. In ... 
mastersound SET amps from Italy
The Viva amps are not cheaper. Sorry about that, the last time I checked, the Solista was just under $10,000. I got my ex dem unit for $4000. In that case $17000, does seem quite a lot 
How did you get into vinyl?
This is going to be an answer you'll see a lot: I'm 54 years old. That's even before the 8-track. I agree with Krellman. I am 59, when I was young, vinyl was cutting edge technology. A lot of us have never been out of vinyl. Now, particularly if y...