
Responses from dave_72

Best Speakers You Have Ever Heard In Your Home
The current ones I use: JBL S4700s. 
B & W Speakers - What's Up?
exactly right. good idea. 
B&W design quality observation. Any downside
Hi Paul: Exactly right. And we don't need any infighting in an already small community of people. But, it exists, too much in fact. And I would say that there's more Bo's out there, but Bo is certainly one of a kind that's for sure! lol. :D 
JBL S4700s
Cool! Thanks! Yeah, again, I'm finally hearing the virtues of these. They just need a long, long time to break in. Anybody who doesn't believe in break in time with these speakers are kidding themselves! There are other reports of long break in ti... 
JBL S4700s
Here's the latest; the speakers have finally opened up more in the mids and highs and sound less restrained than ever before. What this means is they're finally sounding very good depending on the recording. However, little bit bare bones and lean... 
B&W design quality observation. Any downside
Bo: Again, you're referring to an old discontinued speaker, which is actually really good to be honest. Thanks for admitting that you've never heard the Synthesis line. I swear that you wrote that JBL are 2-D and lacking in depth with poor crossov... 
B&W design quality observation. Any downside
Speaking of bullshit, Bo likes to poo-poo certain brands of speakers, and in this case B&W, which he relishes in bashing. While touting his favorites and stuff he sells like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I mean Monitor Audio? Rea... 
Parasound P5
Audiozen: Click on 'System' to view my entire system, speakers included! As for the $1000 Onkyo preamp, I wish I was ready to buy that...not yet! Getting closer every day though! :) 
Parasound P5
Well, if I get that preamp, I was going to run my old Onkyo DX-7555 directly into the DAC. I might as well use it while it's there. :) 
Parasound P5
Audiozen: Ok, thank you for that! Much appreciated. :) 
B&W design quality observation. Any downside
Ok, Bo, which brand of speakers give the 3d sound? I remember you poo-pooing the JBLs, but you admitted that you haven't heard the latest Synthesis models including the S4700s I currently use. 
Parasound P5
Audiozen: Wow, it compares to 10k preamps? Nice! I believe I'll be looking in to actually getting one. I was thinking of getting a Pass Labs X350.5 amp, so do you think the Onkyo preamp would go good with the Pass Labs amp? 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
I agree with Bo1972, NAD is not very good to say the least, imo. 
B&W design quality observation. Any downside
wow, just wow. lol. 
Las Vegas
October meeting: http://lasvegasaudioclub.blogspot.com/2013/10/october-meeting-place-and-time-set.html