
Responses from dave_72

Seeking opinions about Pass Labs 250.5 amp.
Ok, that's interesting. Very well then. However, the higher capacitance and bigger transformer results in more stability. The XA30.5 uses small caps and transformers. Yes, of course you do that. 
Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's
Why are they not capable of giving depth? How do you know this? Ok,so a good match? Thanks. Would you recommend a Class A amp or Class A/B amp? 
Your top 3 worst purchases ever
Mark Levinson No. 23 amp. Nothing but problems with this dud of an amp. The first unit went up in smoke. The second one overheated and shut off. When driving Apogee speakers (which love power) I kept blowing ribbons. And the sound was complete dul... 
Rhea vs Pass XP-15
Quite a big price difference between the XP-15 and XP-25 too. It would seem the XP-15 is the better value, true? 
Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's
I see. Very well then. Just to let you know, my current speakers are JBL S4700s. They are rated at 6 Ohms, and are rather sensitive at 94db. Now I can use a smaller amp, but I have found they do better with high power due to the control of the 15 ... 
Seeking opinions about Pass Labs 250.5 amp.
Well, that makes sense that the bigger Pass Labs amps will give you those things. It boils down to much more capacitance, bigger transformer (I believe the X350.5 has a 1kVA transformer in there) and better control of the speakers. I did read that... 
accuphase compare to mcintosh
Yeah, you'll have to make a trip to audition. I know I have to as well. The list of dealers nationwide is on the distributors site. Again, the low value of the dollar only tells part of the story as I explained in my last post. The dist. does not ... 
Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's
I agree, and I'm a Bryston user. It does sound a bit bare bones. I do like the detail it presents though. 
Seeking opinions about Pass Labs 250.5 amp.
Ok, have you heard the X350.5? I hear you regarding cables. I do believe in quality interconnects and speaker cable, and I use them, but not really power cables or power conditioners.I agree with you about the business, and being just in it for th... 
Seeking opinions about Pass Labs 250.5 amp.
Ok, thanks, much appreciated. I thought that would be the case regarding the difference in sound between the X250.5 and the X350.5. Thanks for confirming it. Now have you owned the X350.5, or are you saying you wish to own it? As for the rest, I'm... 
Las Vegas
Ok, just a reminder, the next meeting is right around the corner. If you wish to join and be able to make this meeting, please do so now. This is last call until the 28th. Of course you may join anytime after this meeting. 
Best vintage Tannoy for rock?
Thanks Kiddman, now why do they like it without? 
Seeking opinions about Pass Labs 250.5 amp.
Ok, I have this question; is the X350.5 much better or just a bit better than the X250.5. I do see that the X350.5 uses much bigger caps and has a bigger transformer than the X250.5. So I would think that it would be more transparent and dynamic. 
accuphase compare to mcintosh
The high price of Accuphase in the US is mostly due to distributor markup. You will see this if you try to get a unit from Japan. The shipping, duty, and what have you does not cost as much as you think. I don't think Audiozen is a dealer. He's ju... 
Do you indulge when listening to your rig?
Jim Beam and Coke or beer. No cigs or joints.