
Responses from dave_72

Preamp with tone controls?
The Onkyo is really that good? That's one of the preamps I'm looking at at the moment. Which make and model of amp would you pair it with? 
Accuphase A-65 or A-200 , can i import from Japan?
Pelo, that is for 1 A-65. Well, I don't know what the dist. is thinking, but if he can get that much, good luck to him. I think that's a crazy price to be honest. 
Preamp with tone controls?
Ok, thanks Bo. Much appreciated. :) 
Accuphase A-65 or A-200 , can i import from Japan?
Yeah, Czarivey, you're paying roughly $20k more here in the US just for that warranty, which isn't even that long. Then you have to deal with sending money overseas, which can be risky if not through a reputable dealer. The whole thing is crazy, r... 
Accuphase A-65 or A-200 , can i import from Japan?
Ok, thanks. 
Preamp with tone controls?
Bo, in what way is the Pass Labs a better amp than Bryston? I'm strongly considering upgrading from Bryston to Pass Labs too. 
Pro audio amp vs. residential amp
I will agree with Elizabeth, quite a few people poo-poo Bryston, especially here on the net. However, there are quite a few that champion it, so it varies. Very much so. 
Accuphase A-65 or A-200 , can i import from Japan?
I can tell you. I list price here in the US is $26500. That isn't a typo. It's pretty crazy, imo. And Accuphase (someone from the factory) said to me that the transformers degrade the sound. You might want to ask them as well. You can buy from tho... 
Las Vegas
Here are the results of the November meeting:http://lasvegasaudioclub.blogspot.com/2013/11/our-fourth-meeting.htmlThe December meeting is all set. We have a very special guest for this one. Here are the details.http://lasvegasaudioclub.blogspot.co... 
Luxman PD-171 turntable
Bongofury, fair enough. I haven't seen the Luxman in person or have auditioned it. So, when I do, I will report my findings. Hopefully it will be on display @ CES. 
JBL M2 speaker system ....
You're welcome. Yeah, I hope it works out for you... 
New Pass Labs 250.8 - Jan 2014
Cool, I'm glad I waited before upgrading to a Pass Labs amp. I can't wait to hear them (providing they have them on active display) at CES! 
Preamp for Parasound A21?
Onkyo P-3000R. I would give it a try.http://www.onkyousa.com/Products/model.php?m=P-3000R&class=ReferenceTake care. 
Considering a First Watt F-4
I would go all the way and ask Nelson Pass himself all of your questions! His email is right there on the FW site. 
JBL M2 speaker system ....
Ok, cool. Sounds good. If you go to http://www.jblsynthesis.com/ there's a find a dealer app where you punch in your zip code and go from there.