
Responses from dave_72

The Emotiva Challenge
I couldn't agree more, Abrew19. 
The Emotiva Challenge
Maybe, but I doubt it. Eventually, the cheap quality and poor reliability will catch up to them. There's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on here with this company, and other ones to be fair. If you look using the power of google, there's better s... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
In regard to standards of quality, mid-fi and hi-fi have improved since I discovered audio in the early 80's (except for speakers). So I'd have to say standards aren't lower. We tend to get more fidelity for the money.In some cases, yes. But what ... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
maybe people will be more apt to get high and listen to pink floyd and seek better stereos like we have.We can only hope! lol. Stranger things have happened... 
Pro-Ject turntables
Ok, cool guys. Food for thought there...:D 
The best speaker you ever heard?
JBL Everest DD67000. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I meant to say "high quality stereo equipment." Thanks. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Yes I know. I was simply stating the facts. I'll be more than happy to knock it off. :D But anyway, yeah that's very interesting. Why do you think that is? Because Americans have lower standards of quality, or could it be Americans are obsessed wi... 
The Emotiva Challenge
That doesn't sound very good. Sorry you had to go through that. Anyway, I'm not surprised at the quality (or lack of quality) of the Emotiva stuff. Let 'em say "better or as good as Bryston, Pass Labs, McIntosh, etc." I really don't care anymore. ... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
And most of the Sony, Marantz, Pioneer, Denon, etc. that is sold here is Chinese (or Malaysian like most of Onkyo, which is better to me) made! I don't think Japanese high end like Accuphase and Luxman is all that big here in the US, I could be wr... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Thank you. That's what I was getting at. China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, even India...all crazy about hi-fi and high end audio. It's almost fully ingrained into their cultures its that popular. There's Europe too, but not as much. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Keep in mind that this is primarily a North American problem. And it's due to a number of factors, most of which have already been addressed here. However, audio (and high end audio) is thriving elsewhere in the world, especially in the Far East! 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
it surprises me when I read about boorish behavior in the shops. You'd think they'd know better by now.True. And they're probably trapped in their own little world, but I can't say for sure... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I'm still waiting on that chance encounter of meeting or running into a fellow audiophile by accidentDon't worry, they are out there. I formed the LVAC (Las Vegas Audio Club) about a year ago and at the moment we're not real big in numbers (about ... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
audiophiles are born, not made. that's my take. It's an inborn need to search for better sound and eventually possess it. It's the notion that rack systems and Ipods don't cut it and so begins the journey. Not everyone has this inside of them.