
Responses from dave_72

The Emotiva Challenge
Labtech, I no longer read 'The Audio Critic.' It's very hardcore objectivism, and it's not fair and balanced. Same old crap; "all amps sound the same," "a wire hanger is good enough for cabling," and "measurements tell the whole story." Maybe you ... 
What preamp between Burmester and Krell?
I have yet to hear anything by Burmester, but I look forward in doing so. From what I've heard and read, it is head and shoulders above Krell, Levinson, etc. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I like many hear am a sucker for good sound, so I find high end audio interesting. What better way to waste time than talking about what is high end or not. :^)I do too! I've been into high end audio since the mid 80s when I was a teenager. Sure, ... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I see your point Frogman, thanks for that. I basically agree with it as well. 
The Emotiva Challenge
It's ALWAYS been a direct correlation to sound quality.*sigh* You know, I used to be an objectivist. I read 'The Audio Critic' with a zeal, and felt the same way you do.Anyway, that's hogwash. Measurements are important, but they only tell part of... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Kids today don't want to fuss and fight over mm or mc or this power cord or that philosophy how to achieve the best sound i.e. tubes or s.s.Meaning what? 
The Emotiva Challenge
Many Emotiva buyers have a tendency to believe everything is snake oil after a certain price point without having any validation.Exactly. 
The Emotiva Challenge
Yeah, Labtec, cool your jets there. And sure, there's *some* high priced stuff that isn't much better than Emotiva...that's the stuff I stay away from, personally.I agree with Dayglow in that measurements are not a direct correlation to sound qual... 
Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?
Dave 72, First impression. Pretty good...Deeper soundstage, better bass and treble. Even at this early stage, I'm sure its a keeper.Thanks for that, Ozzy, it definitely helps me out. I look forward to your full review... 
My LED ZEP 2 pressing anything special
Ok, cool. Thanks for chiming in. Much appreciated. 
Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?
That's cool, Ozzy. Is there anything you like about it so far, or is it too early to tell? 
The Emotiva Challenge
No, the Emotiva fanboys drink Kool-Aid, if you know what I mean! ;) 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Ok, I would agree there as well. 
My LED ZEP 2 pressing anything special
So, just for clarification, is the original UK on a par with the US RL, or is it even better. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Well, there's always exceptions to the rule. Good point. I don't really disagree with you there.