

Responses from czbbcl

best bass or close to that 12AX7 tube
My cj pre amps (premier 16/17) never responded much to NOS tubes although I never experimented a lot . Tried some Jan Philips and Sylvania's and the EH 6922 Gold Pins performed on par with them. And actually the JAN Philips were somewhat microphon... 
best bass or close to that 12AX7 tube
Telefunken .........Read more here if you haven't already done so. http://audiotubes.com/ . I am not affiliated in any way.Thanks Chuck 
Thiel CS2.4 and suggestion on preamp
I used a cj premier 16 tubed pre with Thiel 3.6's and it was a very good combination. 
Ground Cheater plug or....
On some PS Audio power cords you can remove the grounding pin. 
What's Wrong With ROMEX??
Romex is fine as are hospital grade outlets. 
conrad johnson mv60 retube
If you have not already done so I suggest you go here and read http://audiotubes.com/Sorry I can't give any advice specific to your amp/pre combination. But I have had great results rolling NOS tubes in my Cary SLI-80F1. Specifically Sylvania 6sn7... 
Need Advise for open sounding monitors
I am using Focal 1007 Be monitors with a Cary SLI-80F1 in Triode mode. They replaced Thiel 3.6's / Conrad Johnson combination and I am very pleased with the results. The Focals are very open and detailed with plenty of bass. Sonus faber makes a gr... 
Suggestions for a tube integrated under $3000
And put a pair of 5ar4's in place of the 5u4's at the rectifier position and this amp really opens up (more transparent with improved bass).Chuck 
Suggestions for a tube integrated under $3000
A used Cary SLI-80 
Phono cartridge left / right output voltage differ
I had a 103r that had about the same percentage channel imbalance. I bought it from a discout store so I figured it was how denon filtered out the better cartridges from the poorer ones and still sell them hence making a profit versus reworking th... 
Dynavector 20XL-2 vs. Soundsmith Zypher
Can't speak to the cartridges you mention but the Herron VTPH-2 phonostage is outstanding. I am running a classic 1 with a Benz Micro Wood SL and a VTPH-2 as well and I am very pleased with this combo. I have Tele's in the Herron a nice improvemen... 
Crystal Clear vs. Home Grown
I use HGA X-32 speaker cables along with DNA interconnects and have been very pleased with them. They are very revealing and transparent. They replaced Audioquest Anaconda interconnects and Volcano Speaker cables and are much better than the Audio... 
Tube preamp recommendation ...
Or you might consider the Heron Audio VTSP-3A... CJ is great as well ...... 
Tube preamp recommendation ...
Or you might consider the Heron Audio VTSP-3A... 
Pop noise from turntable when power-off the unit.
Mine does the same thing but I always turn the volume down before switching off the Turntable which takes care of the poping noise issue. But if it bothers you I believe there is a capacitor change that is easy to do. I would write VPI and ask. Chuck