

Responses from curiousjim

Elvis Costello's favorite album of his own.
I have never really listened to Elvis Costello. What would be a good album for me to start with, to get the gist of his style? Thanks  
1990 Radio Shack catalog
I might be the only one, but there are times where I still miss Radio Shack. You never know when you are going to need a 1 1/2 amp fuse or a lit push button switch.  
How cheap can you go and still be happy with the sound?
@deep_333   So sorry you can’t enjoy music in you car anymore. When I’m mowing the lawn, music through the earbuds does make the time go by. Or when I’m in my car, I still tap my toe and slap my thigh to the beat, but I definitely prefer listeni... 
Jazz for aficionados
@alexatpos Three of your four videos came up as unavailable 🙁. Guitar in the wind, was the only one that made it.  Oh and it’s excellent 😁  
Jazz for aficionados
@alexatpos @frogman  Thanks guys for bringing up Hal McKusick. Happily listening to Cross Section now and Triple Exposure next. Now’s The Time isn’t on Qobuz or Amazon. 🙁  
How cheap can you go and still be happy with the sound?
I can be happy listening to the radio in my car. When I mow the lawn, I wear some $27 ear buds Bluetoothed to my phone and I’m happy. I have an old boombox in the garage and it makes me happy.  I have some ancient Yamaha two-way speakers plugged i... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
David Gilmour, David Gilmour. 1978  
Tune of the Day
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
@alightronics  I forgot to say that I purchased the preamp from an individual, not a company. Jim  
Jazz for aficionados
Yesterday, I had the Ray Brown Trio playing for several hours. I played the first five albums that came up on Qobuz and really didn’t pay attention to the names of the albums.  It was a great afternoon.  
Recommend a DAC based on Analog Devices?
I’m very happy with my Denifrips Pontus ll.   
8 ohm nominal impedance/4.69 ohm minimal impedance--is this a bad load (on paper)?
Impedance varies greatly when driving speakers. So for the Revel dropping to 4.69 ohms is really no big deal. It’s when a speaker drops below 2 ohms you might have a problem.  Both my Hegel and my PS Audio amps have no trouble handling 2 ohm loads.  
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
@alightronics  As I have said before, I bought the preamp used. The original tubes that came with the preamp were Gold Lions and are supposed to last 2000-4000 hours. The new tubes that were in it were12au7’, PSVANE and the new tubes in the boxe... 
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
@alightronics  Hello, The seller says the tubes in preamp only had a couple hundred hours on them and the hour meter in the preamp confirmed it. He also said that the other four tubes were new. When the first tube started clicking, I swapped the... 
Tune of the Day