
Responses from csontos

Words From the Wise
Amp,Pre-amp,source,speakers(sized to room). Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply deluded by his favorite component. The amp is the "heart" of your system, period. 
more power from both sockets?
Just to gain more insight to this question, would it be advantageous to have a separate dedicated line to each component? 
Differences in sound as related to watts?
All things taken into consideration, efficient speakers are going to yield a bigger soundstage near-field without bursting your ear-drums. Inefficient speakers need space and lots of power. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Bedini25/25, 250/250 bi-amped are a perfect match. The 25/25 is very detailed with this set-up.I believe John Bedini built them to work together. Another great amp is the original LSR&D model 101 stereo and 102 monos. 
MG1 air- bearing tone-arm
Thank you, Gerasimos. It seems feedback is mostly positive. I think the bass response issue has to do with good TT damping by the looks of the MG1. 
MG1 air- bearing tone-arm
Thanks for the info, Mark. 
Why monoblocks?
It's more cost-effective to build 2 channels into one case and although the sonic benefits of monos may be limited, they're more versatile and typically built for more power and hence, usually an upgrade. 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
I hear you. I guess it's what we have to live with. They're starting to re-master some of that old stuff. You do have to really like some of those tunes to overlook the problems. 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
Chazro, If it gets better at resolving details, should it not be more pleasing? Recordings have an inherent ability at revealing your amp's transient response. A poor recording is actually a good instrument in measuring an amp's capabilities with ... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
If you're beginning to feel like "Red Green" 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
By far, the best isolation devices I've ever experienced are simple fiber scratch pads. They come in varying thickness and stiffness. They are almost 100% immune to vibration. I say "almost" because nothing is perfect. But when you put your hand o... 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
As the speed of the amp increases, the irritating limitations of the recording decrease accordingly to the point where they're no longer bothersome, just limited. 
Magnetic flux vibration damper?
I've Logged on to Virtual Dynamics Somec59 and read numerous articles and posts about cable dampening. I've never used or tried the various techniques or products offered. I prefer to hear some feedback before I venture any effort. I'll try almost... 
Magnetic flux vibration damper?
I don't see the difficulty, Elizabeth. Remember I'm referring to cables. I was thinking along the lines of magnetically sheathing the cable with something like fridge magnet material which would remain flexible, however maybe not powerful enough t... 
Magnetic flux vibration damper?
There really are only two kinds of people in the world, right Schipo? Me, I always take good advice.