
Responses from csontos

The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?
Sure. Depends who's listening. When they care, they're always astonished. When someone does, and can afford it, they always have something impressive to demonstrate. Usual first word here is "wow". 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Has the old Bedini B.A.S.E. technology been mentioned here? It also works with phase to accomplish it's effect. I haven't experienced either of these technologies but the B.A.S.E. gained a fair bit of notoriety in the 80s. I wonder what the simila... 
Blackness - how quiet does it need to be?
Sure, but I was referring exclusively to amps of considerable quality where differences are relatively small. 
Blackness - how quiet does it need to be?
This is not complicated. Your right on the mark, Last Lemming. The recording has nothing to do with it. We're talking about gear. However, noise floor is not the only factor influencing low level resolution. Typically, if you put your ear up to th... 
What Power Cord can improve clarity and bass slam?
The kinds of differences you guys are talking about require changing gear, not cables. I think I'm "almost" with Bryon. 
Recommendation on a modding service?
Naivete being the main factor with that statement. What you don't know can't hurt you, right? I'd ask Chris where the money would be best spent. 
Cap life span?
The main reason to replace them is doing so may well result in an incidental upgrade/or deliberate one. Typically included in a complete overhaul. Well worth the average cost of around $400.00 for an amp. 
Your First System
I can't remember. It was good. 
Don't read you'll be sorry
Too much "skin" effect in that response. 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
Magnat Superflow. Over 1000 strands per cable. Rubber jacket. Hangs limp like a silk rope. 
Don't read you'll be sorry
Audio "GONE", real gone. 
Tube guy gets a B&K: tubes vs solid state
Well, it seems this thread has become a free for all. Just what I like. No hi-jackers here! perfect 
Tube guy gets a B&K: tubes vs solid state
Charles1dad, while I agree with your explanation, I would not describe such an amp as having "ultra resolution". The lack of sustain and decay contradicts this assertion. I remember certain amps back in the 70's behaving just this way and were qui... 
Tube guy gets a B&K: tubes vs solid state
Someone's obviously got you guys under some weird spell. IMO 
Tube guy gets a B&K: tubes vs solid state
You're kidding yourself if you don't think the amp is the heart of the system. Yeah sure, you don't want too much transparency. Or God forbid, excessively low distortion. Get real.