
Responses from csontos

Why does most new music suck?
Remakes and originals are two different animals.Actusreus, the operative here is not that it sucks, but the 'why' it sucks. I think the answer does require getting out your calculator. 
Why does most new music suck?
Marty, I believe the simplest melodies are in fact the best but all it has to be is good. I consider all the older stuff to be in that category even though some of it may be more involving. It's when you get into the 'complicated territory' that t... 
Why does most new music suck?
No shit, Rok. 
Best Rock Song Of ALL TIME?
I would have to pick my fav on every album and cd I own. And even that would be difficult. I love all the good stuff equally. Can't single one out. The best is the time frame. 
Why does most new music suck?
I happened to be in Kastle, Germany in 70'-71'. In a Hungarian boarding school run by priests and nuns. I was 14 at the time and I first heard 'Whole Lotta Love'. That and Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Hendrix, and the Beatles were the mainstay ther... 
Why does most new music suck?
Whoa. It's only hindsight that's 20/20, maybe? The suggestion that complex melodies were being bandied about versus the ones that actually took place is a little overly optimistic don't you think, in retrospect? Seriously. 
Why does most new music suck?
Okay, sure. Let's be friends. 
Why does most new music suck?
You haven't answered my question, as I've noticed you don't actually address the meat of any one's post. 
Why does most new music suck?
Any way, I'd like to bring up Bowie for a moment. He declined 'All The Young Dudes'. But wasn't he awesome? Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Took what was left and made the best of it. And you can bet it needed the production it got. 
Why does most new music suck?
You're kidding, right? You've melded two peoples' opinions on different issues into a collaborative position of your own. And you're talking about narcissism? What are you on? 
Why does most new music suck?
Great tune, wasn't it? I loved it when it came out. No wonder our young folks want to follow suit. 
Why does most new music suck?
Mapman, it's just my perspective, I suppose. I don't mean to stink up the thread but in my mind it stands to reason that one would have to really flog it into acceptability. The very nature of being an audiophile is isolating. However virtually al... 
Why does most new music suck?
I guess I just don't get it. What I do get is that certain similarity apparent in everything presented so far except the plagiarized one Rok presented. First time I heard Dark Side Of The Moon in 71, it took a few spins to really get it into my bl... 
Why does most new music suck?
I've heard that tune before. 
Do amps have a sweet spot?
I have upwards of 25 amps and they all sound best when they're 'cookin'. Does that not make sense from an engineer's point of view? Or from the one buying the amp for that matter.