
Responses from csontos

How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration
Bambooom is heavier. 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
"Begin at the beginning", the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop". 
Why does most new music suck?
Thank you. 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Oh I learned something alright. Early on. 
Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden
In the meantime, how about paying attention to legitimate diplomatic effort and taking preemptive action when warranted and seriously kicking ass when needed! That Boston tragedy was just that and shouldn't have happened. What the hell kind of dip... 
How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration
I've seen neo ring mags beveled on the inside with ball mags to match upper and lower 
Why does most new music suck?
Either that or we've all finally come down:) 
Why does most new music suck?
Bongo. Seriously? Haters of what? Those who say they like lousy music? That's a pretty revealing expletive, don't you think? It's interesting to note those on your side of the fence(which btw was erected by those on your side)never refer to those ... 
How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration
However, it seems the key is in using material that doesn't ring as has been mentioned, such as polypropylene which has no resonant frequency. And then damp that material. Remember the old Mission speakers? Or bitumen as used in the B&W Matrix. 
How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration
I can see this material easily supporting a 100lb. slab at least say 15"x18" square if the entire under-surface was utilized. Possibly more. The issue is lbs. per sq. in.. The more you spread the weight out, the more it can handle. 
How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration
The ones I buy come from a place called Princess Auto here in Canada. They come in 4x6in. pieces. I use them under my 40lb. TNT200 amps. The amp sits on a veneered piece of particle board suitable for the amp's dimension with full size pad under e... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Yes. But in the case of this thread, I would say it's a seller's market;) 
How Good Is A Marble Slab at Deadening Vibration
Okay, fine. I'll answer my own question. This topic has come up before and I mentioned I use soft fiber scratch pads under the feet of the gear. About 2.5 in. squares. Virtually nothing gets transferred through them so exotic platforms are not nec... 
Why does most new music suck?
Yeah, but I wouldn't take Lou too too seriously. He's been on the 'edge' for quite a while:) Lots of pure noise. 
Accustic Arts Power 1 - operates in Class A?
What I've done is reduce it slightly to around 290ma from 300. The thread I'm referring to concludes it's not quiescent current that matters but instead the voltage drop across the emitters is the important number. So optimal bias with bipolars ma...