
Responses from courant

Best True Portable or Boom-Box?
If you want a true "killer" boombox take a look at the Meridian M80. Great sound; Great WAF looks; But expensive.Alternatively, Tivoli Audio makes a number of portables that don't have the Meridian's killer sound, but conversely are much more econ... 
Recommendations for a "summer" amp?
I live in Antarctica. My favorite Summer amp is the Krell KSA-250.Even with all the windows open it keeps my living room a very comfortable 68.4 °F.On a slightly more serious note: If you have budget, the Odyssey Stratos have about 30% more juice ... 
Reviewing the Reviewers - and the decline of HiFi
Always amusing to see non-researchers and non-journalists critiquing trade and hobby publications... The trades and hobby pubs are a business. They make their money selling advertising; singleton copies at the newsstand or online; and subscription... 
Major upgrade from Rega Apollo: Which one?
"Mr. Courant, please explain.Perhaps you had a defective Saturn."Formally, it's Doctor Courant. :-) (I'm an experimental psychologist by trade)My impression was that the G98DH had better Bass, Detail/Clarity, and Soundstage compared to the Saturn.... 
Major upgrade from Rega Apollo: Which one?
Just to add my 2 cents...I went from a New Rega Saturn to a used Meridian G98DH transport I found on Agon, which I coupled with a rather modest MuFi VDAC-II. Sound improvement over the Saturn was epic. Total outlay for the Meridian + MuFi was a li... 
Who Will Stand the Test of Time?
Schubert wrote:"...comparing him to H. Schutz, perhaps second only to Bach as a composer of religious music, is like comparing a K-mart bike to a Mercedes S-500"No argument, and I agree completely. It appears I need to clarify...I wasn't trying to... 
Who Will Stand the Test of Time?
Brownsfan wrote: "...I don't recall the last time I heard Way down upon the Swanee River on the radio. My guess is that Heinrich Schutz gets more playing time than Steven Foster. There is a reason for that..."Really? You should talk to a Musicolog... 
I always do something stupid...
Hmm... I think my issue is more rooted in mental illness than hearing loss.I have this reoccurring delusion that if I take a a system that produces GOOD SOUND, and then throw money at it via periodic upgrades and tweaks, that the yield will be BET... 
A reasonable step up from Rega Saturn CD player?
Given that you have a you have a DAC, have you considered a Meridian Transport? They sound great, and the market for them has gotten soft pretty much across the board.For about the same price as a used Saturn, you can pickup a Meridian G98DH, whic... 
Hate this, I need an AV receiver. Help me choose
> Is the output for headphone jack really the right level to drive a preamp?It works. I used the AQ adapter to connect a portable Toshiba TV/VCR combo set to a Denon 2807 AV Receiver. I connected the adapter to the headphone out; attached the s... 
Help needed to recover costs please
Did you pay through PayPal using a Credit Card?If so, send a letter to your credit card company and request a chargeback, stating that the merchant took your money and never delivered the item. Further, that the merchant is now claiming that the i... 
Hate this, I need an AV receiver. Help me choose
Does your TV have a Headphone-Out mini jack?If so, Audioquest makes a $10 or so Mini-to-Analog that would allow you to connect standard RCA ICs to your television. 
Laying it on the line
With some degree of circumlocutory skill, Bigkidz has couched the absinthian vehemence of his address into a periphrastic bit of casuistry, which is paralogistic on the one hand, and incapacious on the other. Indeed, his jeremiad – his threnody – ... 
Inexpensive All-In-One Solutions
If sound doesn't matter to you, then going UBER CHEAP is pretty easy...For starters, if all you require is surround and Netflix, you should skip the HTIB entirely.Just get powered computer speakers and attach them to either the "headphone out" or ... 
Scaling down
I have to slightly disagree with Elizabeth. I think that if you plan carefully, you can simplify your system, and scale-back while still improving the sound. In my case, I went from a mid-fi 5.1 Home Theater setup to a much simpler 2-channel setup...