Responses from coralkong
Open baffle speakers I can't go back. OB. | |
Open baffle speakers @soix , Yep. Exactly. I went to OB, and don’t think I can ever go back. The bass hits differently than a box speaker, but I guess it depends on what type of music you listen to. I do run a sub, but my OB configuration is a concentric tweeter in a... | |
Open baffle speakers They became popular because, if well designed, they sound phenomenal. Yeah, you'll probably want a sub, but in all honesty, you'd probably want a sub no matter what type of speakers you run. | |
Audio Fantasies I'm not that obsessive, I guess. Just me. | |
When I listen to my system....... I like to listen to the equipment more than the performance. Some exceptions, but I enjoy picking out new details in a recording I've heard hundreds of times. | |
FEEDBACK HUM: Eversolo DMP A8 related Well....unhook it from your system and see if the hum goes away. If it does, return it. | |
Wanna take it to the next level? Buy MORE speakers! Not sure about the artwork in that picture.......just saying. | |
Word clock Most of the "upper tier" players do. Esoteric, DCS, EMM etc...all come to mind. Kind of an odd question, unless you just won the lottery, in which case I imagine your local dealer will certainly help you out. | |
32 pairs of speaker and RCA cables measured and listened to I didn't read the entire articles, but yeah.....what @tom2015 said. I guess the results show that cables do measure differently. I'm not surprised, but don't really care that much either. I choose my cables based on how they sound, not on how th... | |
Spades vs. Banana plugs ?? Banananananananananana plugs. | |
I'll welcome myself back after a brief hiatus Well...if you're happy, then I'm happy for you. | |
so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled. No thanks. | |
Can hi-end cables benefit less expensive electronics? In my honest opinion, you will see more benefit if you match the equipment to the cabling. In other words, an expensive cable probably won’t bring anything else out of a cheaper piece of equipment. IMO, expensive pieces of equipment do seem to b... | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? @macg19 +2. This topic has been beaten to death. I don't care what anyone else thinks, and I don't feel the need to try to sway anyone's opinion one way or the other. Certainly not enough to argue about it. | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? If they’re all the same, why do they sound different? |