
Responses from cleeds

The "Very Best Record Cleaning Formulation"
mijostyn ... I did not say I know for a fact ultrasonic cleaning damages records. I do not, nor do I care to prove it. I personally do not care for it because done correctly it is a PITA and messy ... That's what I like about the Klaudio US ma... 
Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!
Infinity IRS Beta. I bought the system new around 1990. It still sounds fantastic.  
805D4 Cosmetic Issues
These speakers should have been delivered by the dealer and then opened for inspection. If damage was revealed, delivery could be refused.  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
mahgister ... No need to come from a dictatorship to fear the censorship and sheep brain working... This is just an audio forum. You're safe here.  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
grislybutter ... the comment policing here is childish at best, terrifying at worst ... Really? You’re actually terrified at the way this forum is managed? That’s difficult to comprehend. This is an audio forum - no more, no less. Don't lose ... 
"Can You Lift Yours?"
I have a Conrad-Johnson Premier 1B and I couldn't lift it to save my life. If it didn't sound so great, I'd trade it in for some monoblocs.  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
daveteauk It does NOT function satifacorily, if you botherd to read all the many comments to the contrary. I said it functions satisfactorily for me. I understand you don't think it functions satisfactorily for you, but that's just your op... 
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
grislybutter I guess you guys have never seen a user-friendly website designed in this century that wasn't a giant pain to use ... Way to lower the already ridiculously low standards here. Overall, I'd say this site functions satisfactoril... 
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
  mc1969 This website is so archaic you cannot post your system or see anyone's system with out contacting web support. I hope you never have to operate a complicated device, such as an automobile or a toaster.  
Did my preamp short kill my Mark Levinson amps and Infinity Beta servo ?
I am really sorry to hear this. I am not sure who will service the Infinity xover/servo. I know they were built by PS Audio, so maybe they can help with that. As you know, the Beta woofers really need the xover/servo to perform their best. Good lu... 
Some observations from a former skeptic - and a question
ahuvia As a professional consumer researcher, I know the only valid way to do these comparisons is through a blind listening test. What on earth are you researching that led you to this absolute belief that is so rigid you italicized it and pu... 
Did my preamp short kill my Mark Levinson amps and Infinity Beta servo ?
Have you tested the amps and xover/servo using another preamp? It's possible they weren't damaged at all.  
Vandersteen VLR (non CT), my opinion
chenry ... Amir did not test the unit both with and without the front grille assembly. So I do not think it is possible to give much weight to his review unless ... It's difficult to give much weight to any of Amir's "reviews."  
Do Your Speakers have LEVEL CONTROLS or EQUALIZERS? (Vintage or Modern) ???
The IRS Beta has exceptional level controls, both on the midrange panels and the xover/servo unit. They are a double-edge sword, however, because while they allow the system to be set up properly balanced, it’s also easy to get it very, very wrong... 
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
coralkong I don’t care if you live in your mom’s basement  ... If you’re too ashamed, or too stupid (technically ignorant?), or whatever your lame excuse is to post your system on here, then I really have no need for you to chime in when I h...