
Responses from cleeds

Vibrapod Cone - Do these make a difference?
It's never a good idea to install audio components directly on top of carpeting - it can only compromise ventilation. Anything you can do to get them off the floor is a good idea. 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
billstevenson09-08-2017 12:01am ... it is becoming obvious that you are ignorant of the scientific method. What I offered were several indirect proofs that unipivot arms perform well ... You claim to know what you are doing, but this belies ... 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
billstevenson... may I suggest that we agree that there is no one, single, absolute "right" way to do anything in audio ...Of course you may suggest that, and I’d agree. The problem is that there are some self-appointed "experts" here who insist t... 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Ad hominem attack, a classic logical fallacy. Raul must be v-e-r-y frustrated today. Another example of why it's fruitless to debate with our little Raul. 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
folkfreakTo summarize @rauliruegas lengthy, incomprehensible and misspelled post"I imagine myself as the cartridge tracking the record and I thereby know unipivots cannot work"That's a fair summary. I would only add that Raul asserts his claims a... 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
billstevensonThis is a response to Raul's contention that there is a "problem" with unipivot tonearms ... It falls far short of proof in any scientific sense that a problem exists with unipivot tonearms. Yes they wobble a bit at first drop, ... 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
tomwhWhen people start talking absolutes in this hobby, it tells you something Agreed ... absolutely!  ; | 
Audio Research SP-3
You might want to look on the ARC website. 
What Is The Cost Of Amplifier Casework?
georgehifi2,741 posts... You'll never see a MacIntosh owner with all his gear off to the side, except for the speakers ...It looks like you haven't been invited into many McIntosh audiophile's homes, or looked at the systems page here or on othe... 
Need suggestions please! Electrical noise in my system and it's driving me crazy!
hifiman5The solution was opening up the breaker box and tightening down ALL of the ground wires for each circuit. Some of the ground wire screws had barely been tightened at all. You MUST be careful doing this and you should turn off the main... 
Help... my turntable is alive!
moonglumThe OP does not need to buy a new belt. The solution is simply to wash it in warm soapy water then rinse & dry and it will be good as newYou may be correct, moonglum, but you can't know that for sure unless you've actually examined... 
Help... my turntable is alive!
moonglumI’ve just been told my earlier post was deleted by a Moderator.Perhaps because you engaged in insult rather than discussing the topic. I fail to understand the problem you (Cleeds) have with the words “negative & positive” in relatio... 
Help... my turntable is alive!
moonglumI must be honest. When you first questioned the usage I thought you might be “winding me up”. Based on your last 2(4?) posts I now recognise that your confusion is genuine.I'm not confused at all. There's simply no such thing as "negativ... 
Help... my turntable is alive!
One of the reasons it's important to understand that there's no such thing as "negative VTA" is that, had the OP initially properly set his VTA, he wouldn't have had his phono cartridge bottom out in the first place. VTA can be set pretty reliably... 
Help... my turntable is alive!
moonglumSince you haven't offered an alternative convention ...Because there's no such thing a negative VTA, you could say "lower the pickup arm" or "reduce VTA." Either of those would accurately state what you were thinking.