Responses from cleeds
V. Morrison Moondance reissue vs 2nd press what is the fascination with digital on vinyl? whart... Old copies of this are typically bin records ...Will you please explain what a "bin record" is? That's a new term to me. | |
I want to be moved and have the music touch my soul! Are you moved by live music and find that it touches your soul? If so, what qualities does it have that your present system lacks?If you aren’t moved by live music, then you’re not likely to be moved by canned music, either. | |
Is ELP turntable dead? It looks like the machine is still in production. There just isn't a lot of enthusiasm for the technology. | |
need good minimalist preamp or headphone amp to actively drive woofers in a biamp setup lcherepkai mcleeds--would adding an active crossover, say an NHT X1 or X2, negate the need for an active preamp to increase the gain? I'm not familiar with those xovers, but you could try it. Personally, I'd never want to forsake using an active... | |
Trained ears. If you know the sound of live, acoustic instruments, it's not that difficult to evaluate audio components ... especially if you have a few recordings that you've made yourself. | |
New versus old top of the line speakers. My understanding is that the new L-100 has improvements over the original. In any event, according to the government's inflation calculator, $550 in 1971 is the equivalent to about $3,400 today. JBLs are often discounted, so today's price would be... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? travbrowWhat is the correct term of raising or lowering the tonearm from parallel? If you raise a pickup arm, you're increasing VTA. Likewise, if you lower the pickup arm, you're decreasing VTA. But it also clear to just refer to raising or lowe... | |
need good minimalist preamp or headphone amp to actively drive woofers in a biamp setup lcherepkai why would an active crossover be the right choice in my situation?There are a lot of advantages to active biamplification. Passive crossovers are inefficient, so you’ll likely have less distortion using an active x-over. Also, with an ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? travbrowI also found the Empires worked out better with positive VTA ...It isn't clear what you mean here. By definition, VTA is always positive. Shure states: "vertical tracking angle is equal to the angle of the stylus inclination defined a... | |
Audio Critic 10 lies>>>>>>>>>> oregonpapaAnd putting too much wine in the pasta sauceThat can only be possible if there’s not enough wine remaining to fill your glass a few times, or more. | |
Differences between cd transports? tweak1so, you're saying low current ac negates directional flow of signal?This thread is: "Differences between cd transports?" You seem to be drifting off-topic. I was merely correcting you that audio signals in an IC or speaker cable are not "d... | |
Differences between cd transports? When corrected that ICs are not driven by DC within the preamp/dac/amp, but are instead AC signals:tweak1... if that’s true why aren’t people getting the crap shocked out of them when they change ICs or speaker cables with music playing?Because an... | |
Differences between cd transports? tweak1... aren't all ICs driven by DC within the preamp/dac/amp?Let's hope not. Audio signals are AC. | |
When the Audio Critic was subjective. roberjermanI would best describe Peter Aczel as a rationalist ... He would always want to know "why" and questioned established dogma regarding music systemsActually, Aczel created his own personal brand of dogma. That was his problem. | |
need good minimalist preamp or headphone amp to actively drive woofers in a biamp setup Why not use an active crossover? Behringer makes an inexpensive one. |