
Responses from cleeds

Recommended receiver for HT
noble100 ... you’re not making any sense. I don’t know exactly what’s wrong with you but you’re not actually giving examples or explanations that you think ... It’s as if you suffered a stroke and don’t yet realize your diminished cognitive and co... 
What is the protocol here?
ebmNo record is worth this big hassle.Cut your loses and move onAgreed. Move on. Unless you really enjoy managing conflicts.  
Sirus XM Radio
dgarretsonXM satellite to car is compressed and boomy-- almost unlistenable.As with so many things in audio: It depends. XM in my car does indeed sound poor, with that  compressed, swishy sound that XM is known for. But the XM radio in my wife's ... 
Recommended receiver for HT
noble100 You've failed to provide any evidence supporting your claim that humans are able to localize deep bass frequency soundwaves ...You failed to read what I wrote. I cited a specific mechanism that's been shown to allow localizing low bass... 
Recommended receiver for HT
noble100 We all are unable to localize deep bass frequency soundwaves, that is determine where the sound is coming from, that are below about 100 Hz .This is mistaken, and with the right system can easily be demonstrated. there's no such thing ... 
Sirus XM Radio
If you want to listen to XM at home, streaming the signal will give you much higher fidelity than what you can get from the satellite. It may not be "high end" sound, but it will walk all over the fidelity from OTA - it will be immediately obvious... 
Recommended receiver for HT
noble100 ... there's no such thing as stereo bass below 100 Hz ...That's a common misnomer and easily disproved, especially at frequencies as high as 100 hZ. But there can be stereo bass even at much lower frequencies, and that's because of pha... 
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong
And this, folks, is why this hobby is in a death spiral. Stupidly expensive gear with adherents that can "hear" all sorts of artifacts and distortions ...Nice try, but high end audio is not in a "death spiral." It's evolving, which is exactly... 
Why are my woofers pumping?
mijostyn... the SME V is a very light tone arm ...Not really. The mass of the 9-inch SME V is about 10 g, which while on the low side, is certainly not "very low mass," especially when compared with something like the SME III, which is about 5 g... 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
ieales The perception as an improvement is confirmation bias. That’s a common knee-jerk reaction from someone who fancies himself a thoughtful cynic. But the explanation clearly doesn’t apply in this instance, where the listener had been convinced... 
Music Direct - Audio Hardware Seller?
I’ve had nothing but good service from Music Direct and I’ve done business with them for years. Recently, I bought a new desktop computer from Dell online. Even though I'm an existing customer with a Dell account, they insisted on speaking with me... 
What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?
ahoferThe "large and audible" part does not logically follow, and assumes far too much integrity on the part of the industry. There is plenty of stuff built from high quality parts that is inaccurate at best, and still more where the high q... 
What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?
jbrrp1I love all the folks that assure you that there can be no difference of any import. Try some auditioning at an audio salon, and I'm pretty sure you will then know the answer.Agreed. It amazes me how in a hobby based on listening, some ... 
Making a product to sell and the need for modernity
kosst_amojan ... I kind of wonder why more people don't take looks that seriously. That's a rather odd observation from a guy who often insists others provide the results of controlled, scientific, double-blind listening tests. 
Our Responsibility
kosst_amojan... a small clique of fanatics consistently spew their sideways, indefensible opinions ... The radical magnification of relatively nuanced things ... fervent assertions surrounding completely nonsensical snake oil "tweaks" ... radical...