Responses from cleeds
The cost of LP's and CD's - an observation audio2designNo, you think it sounds better to you. That is completely meaningless to other people.If he thinks it sounds better to him, then it does sound better to him. No one here should have to justify or alter his preferences to suit the sens... | |
YouTube video music auxinputAre you streaming youtube from a device such as Roku or Amazon firestick? Like I said before, the youtube app on these really sucks and you get all the "lossy" type of audio and video from this. Computer web browser is superior, but... | |
Preliminary DIY Grounding Box Result speedskaterIn shortwave radio and broadcast AM radio, part of the signal travels thru Planet Earth. So a stake in the garden acts as part of the antenna.You’re more than a little bit confused. A stake in your garden isn’t going to improve your AM... | |
YouTube video music emergingsoul ... sound quality from youtube music vids is quite impressive when streamed thru Apple TV. Very comparable to streaming thru a nucleus using qobuz...Really? I had no idea! Youtube has always sounded rather lossy to me. Does Apple TV... | |
Looking for a good system for my apartment. Any advise? goofyfoot587 posts11-28-2020 2:43pmI have to disagree with purchasing Magnipan or any other electrostatic speaker. I own Quad 2905's and while they sound great, I've had to replace a good number of panels due to a mistake which caused arcing ... | |
Where are the cheap home streamers? danvignauObviously, only master tapes of old eight track studio recordings might be able to benefit from Hi Res reproduction and transmission, or maybe current recording that actually use musical instrrumentsI think that is neither obvious or ... | |
I was literally minutes from purchasing the Special 40's... roberjermanI certainly wouldn't spend thousands for the Falcon's or other versions! Reality check: the Rogers version listed at $450/pair in 1976 - 78! I was tempted then to buy a pair!Reality check: $450 in 1976 is the equivalent of more tha... | |
Ar ethe current LP's available for $25 or so as goos as the old ones. An LP is like anything else. It’s worth whatever a willing seller agrees to accept from a willing buyer. | |
100 W Tube Amplifier Malfunctioned oldhvymecThe problem I’m having is 110 VAC. The US has been 120VAC for many years. WHY would yours be wired any other way?I think Taiwan is 110VAC.Japan is 110 VAC..Japan is 100VAC. | |
powered sub to an Adcom speaker selector box elliottbnewcombjrIF you go line level to sub, as yogi said after you split your preamp output into two left and two right, using the fitting he posted, or a pair of Y adapters ... you need to convert one l/r to mono for the sub ...That is not goi... | |
Separate grounded outlet for audio setup chetter Wondering if anyone has put in a separate outlet for their audio setup with a separate ground that is not associated with the regular ground for the rest of the home ...That would be potentially hazardous and a major NEC violation. Al... | |
Tone arm holes do not line up - best way to attach TT? mcmanus ... My pivot to spindle distance is correct according to the template that came with the Reed. I mentioned the 6" away from the TT to indicate how far away the arm would have to be to fit into the alignment grid ...Something is just no... | |
Tone arm holes do not line up - best way to attach TT? mcmanusAny ideas on cartridge alignment? I spend an hour on forums and youtube and no one addresses the issue when the alignment falls outside the ability of the arm head-shell to adjust.Your alignment issue is the result of an improper pivot-... | |
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters audio2design235 posts11-21-2020 2:58pm"Highly experienced electronic engineers". Actual engineers do not call themselves "electronic" engineers. They call themselves electrical engineers, perhaps electrical and electronic engineers. Please f... | |
The cost of LP's and CD's - an observation jssmith... it holds some kind of status, in-the-know or hip factor, otherwise all LPs would be at the dump with all the other obsolete technologies.There are reasons to buy LPs other than the status you imagine they possess. Why else would yo... |