
Responses from cleeds

Neil Young calls out Tidal
cmaier3Maybe he’s just petty and jealous because his audiophile alternative failed.Not likely. And Qobuz has tons of his music.  
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
mikeydee... a big part of music, especially classical music, is dynamics. A composer writes markings in the score to play a passage either loud or soft or in between in varying degrees. The dynamics are a very important part of written music... 
Clearaudio Satisfy carbon tonearm front to back movement.
I’m not familiar with the Clearaudio pickup arm but no conventional pivoted arm should have that much play in the bearings. No good can come from it.Unipivots are a little different but I admit a prejudice there - they just creep me out - even tho... 
Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ?
If you're a serious buyer, your dealer should be willing to "pop the top" of his store demo so that you can get a peak. 
You Tube sound comparisons
emergingsoulNobody enjoys choosing a speaker, or worse a preamp.  It is very unpleasant.It sounds like you need a new dealer. Your experience is certainly not universal.  
You Tube sound comparisons
emergingsoul It’s not a hobby. It’s a means to obtain exceptional satisfying SQ.It’s a hobby: noun: hobby; plural noun: hobbiesan activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.  
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
mijostyn ... all of our hearing is excellent at playing tricks on us. Seeing is believing, but hearing is not. Oh no, the eye is very easily deceived. Using that to advantage is part of the art of many pursuits, such as architecture, illusions (... 
McIntosh c2700 users please chime in?
starwarriorI’ve had my C2700 for about 6 months now and the phono stage input recently went on the fritz. Man I couldn’t believe it when the repair facility told me that it would take 6 months or longer for them to get an audio board from McI... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
antigrunge2What gives audio2design the right to diss any product he choses without listening to it ...It's consistent with the terms of service here. Of course we're free to discount or ignore such uninformed claims.  
If you stream music from the internet, I can't recommend this more highly
niodari... empirical study cannot exist without a theory ...Actually, by definition, "empirical" means in the absence of theory. (See definition two posts previous.) Of course, I think empirical observations are most useful when coupled with theo... 
If you stream music from the internet, I can't recommend this more highly
empirical based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic ...  
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
mijostyn Lets say cleeds (this is just an example) says mahgister saw a Sherman tank fly. I take a look at a picture of a Sherman tank and reply that mahgister is hallucinating again ... Cleeds replys, "How can you say that? You just saw a pict... 
Review of the SMARTractor and SMARTstylus
millercarbonMy experience has always been that the two most sensitive and therefore critical things to get right are VTA and VTF ... Both of which do make a big difference. Especially VTA. Which, again, cannot be set by any tool, but only by e... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
audio2designUsing something and understanding it are clearly not the same thing.Exactly! And that's precisely why so many here urge you to actually try some of the items you mention when you so forcefully assert your opinion (or speculation) as... 
If you stream music from the internet, I can't recommend this more highly
audio2designBy empirical you mean anecdotal.No, by "empirical" I mean "empirical." I understand that you tend to consider empirical data as inherently anecdotal, so it's odd that you now seek a distinction between the two. It would be best to le...