
Responses from cleeds

Harley quote
djones51Audiophiles with more money than common sense have gone beyond diminishing returns they’ve reached negative returns.With only rare exceptions, pretty much all audio equipment results in a negative return because it depreciates so quickly. ... 
Harley quote
audio2design Apparently what I wrote was too nuanced for you to understand Cleeds. My apologies. I am sure it was clear to most. Don’t be silly. Your "nuance" doesn’t conceal your ill logic. If two components can objectively be shown to be diffe... 
Effects of cables on phono volume
There should be no difference in volume.  
Audiogon Is Still Relevent...Don't Listen to the Naysayers.
noble100 ... I'm retired, suddenly have extra time on my hands and have nothing better to do ...That's just sad.  
Why not objectivist music reviews?
Then there's this old gag: A company chairman was given a ticket for a performance of Schubert's "Unfinished Symphony." Since he was unable to go, he passed the invitation to the company's Quality Assurance Manager. The next morning, the chairm... 
This website has become S-L-O-W
edcyn... I continue to wonder. Are there any moderators on this site? Folks in control? ...The moderating team here is very responsive. Use the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page.I haven't had any issues with the Audiogon site loading... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
mapman... the moral of the story is people should spend thousands of dollars on things that nobody can explain ...Not at all. Everyone is free to spend their money however they please and - given that this is a hobbyist’s audio forum - should be f... 
Bulk power cables suggestions
hshifi ... amps that draw serious current or produce decent heat stick to a min of 2 meters and 12 AWG. If it’s a source I would go a minimum of 1.5 meters and 14 AWG ...What could possibly be the advantage of having a power cord of a length u... 
Gain Matching - need advice
The attenuators mentioned by others here such as the Schiit won't work for you - they're unbalanced and you're using your Ref 6 in balanced mode. Talk to your dealer - he can install resistors on the Ref 6 input. 
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
audio2design... PROVE YOUR CLAIMS!!!! ... YOU tell me I am wrong. PROVE IT!! PROVIDE ---REAL--- Evidence to support your claims. Don’t get mad at me ...We have been thorough this before. No one here owes you proof of anything. This is not a scient... 
  jdmccall56I sometimes think the whole process is, for me, more an exercise in obsessive behavior than a rational pursuit of a logical outcome ...All joking aside, obsessive behavior is a behavioral disorder. If you truly feel what you wrote i... 
Harley quote
audio2designDiminishing returns is the term used by audiophiles with more money than common sense in order to justify that there will always be an improvement ...The concept of diminishing returns is a well-established principle. It is a very r... 
Differential Balanced Sound Quality
You'll get higher gain and improved S/N when running a differential amplifier in balanced mode, and you'll also get the benefit of CMR. 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
cmaier3Maybe he’s just petty and jealous because his audiophile alternative failed.Not likely. And Qobuz has tons of his music.  
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
mikeydee... a big part of music, especially classical music, is dynamics. A composer writes markings in the score to play a passage either loud or soft or in between in varying degrees. The dynamics are a very important part of written music...