

Responses from clearthinker

Seriously? Why Buy ARC Ref 6SE? seems Benchmark LA4 is a better choice.
Is it a 'neutral pass thru' of the signal or not.This is the first question.  It needs answering before all the others.Because if it is, then we don't need pre-amps.Or all the discussion about them. 
Amazon Ships Records in Plastic Now
Plastic packaging?As well as the safety of our LPs, we must think of environmental issues.When lobbying Amazon and other suppliers we should criticise use of unfriendly, unrecyclable materals as well as poorly thought out packaging.Those (nearly a... 
Warm up time for record playing
Yup, it's the cartridge suspension alright.Agree one LP side is about right.Back in the day we used to aim a tungsten bulbed desk light with a reflector just above the cart to warm it up quicker.  Can't get those any more. 
In praise of the ESL-57
Yup.  I have run electrostatics in my main system for nearly 50 years.For 10 years Martin Logan CLX Anniversary.Never used 57s though.Two biggest pluses: transparent mid no cone can replicate; no crossover unless you listen to grunge or metal and ... 
One of a kind speakers by eminence
If they are worth NOTHING why would anyone shopping in Sally Army Thrift pay anything for them?   Durrr.Best not to exaggerate.Anyway, price of timber today there must be $100 there at least. 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
Many posts saying hi-end preaamps improve sound.One post saying 'why', surely the additional circuitry cannot improve the signal it is fed with.  Doesn't it just add noise?Or does it add some aspect to the sound that these posters find pleasing?Ca... 
Analogue only preamp ideas? - no need for internal DAC!
Why not buy a phono amp and run it through a volume control direct into the power amp(s)?  Less components and less wire.If you want to listen to vinyl only a pre-amp is not contributing.  Indeed it is just adding its own signature and a little mo... 
I may need to join A'gon Anonymous (AA)
We need to build systems that please us long-term.  I'm not saying don't change anything but only buy pieces you have auditioned a week or more in your system and you know won't need an upgrade for many years.  Changing short-term and multiple pie... 
I am indecisive about choice due to room size
12x12 x 8 is limited,,,12x12 with say a 16 ft ceiling, now you have options. Options?   Turn the room on its side? 
Can anyone identify the model of this speakers?
I don't want to use iCloud drive.  Spies are everywhere.Post the photos some other way. 
Tweaks you got rid of because they were not effective (enough)?
Almost all tweaks are snake oil and make no difference plus or minus.Two that really work are room treatment, when applied effectively.  Dedicated rectangular listening room is much better but don't go too far towards anechoic just because you can... 
Thinking about the good old days...
Good ol' days?   I'm still living them with my long-standing high end anachrophile system.And the music was better then too.... 
A long harsh digital trip - final meter?
How right you are.  Just the same as the last meter of power cable when the power comes from a substation 400 yards away and thence from a source that may be a hundred miles away or more.Active cleaners - yes, to get some of the noise off the line... 
Pondering a change after 30 odd years...
Brings back memories.  I salivated over Accoustat 2+2s 40something years ago.  Couldn't afford them.I knew I wanted to go panels though.later I bought Audiostatics and still have them.A few years ago I changed to Martin Logan CLX Anniversaries in ... 
If you could, what live performances would you enjoy re-living?
Amazed no-one mentioned this yet....Dylan at the Albert Hall 1966.  I was 16, went with 3 schoolfriends.Poor seats in the gods.Listening to the recordings reminds me the man was a poet even then at just 25. His delivery and precise enunciation wer...