

Responses from classdstreamer

Optical vs Ultra Rendu.
Great to see more people getting into optical. I recently tried optical after coming across Tom Gibbs’ article. There he invites the reader to try a $100 optical experiment to see how it affects their system. Because my streamer (iFi Zen Stream) d... 
Just updated my virtual system
@erik_squires How do you feel about the idea of purpose built streamer hardware? I think they are worth considering, and enough audio folks say that the SQ does improve with purpose built streamers. Is your position that nothing upstream from the... 
Just updated my virtual system
PC + Raspberry Pi 4 + Roon as server, streamer, and library management software. Gotcha.  I resonate with your argument against the business model of HiFi streamer manufactures. As soon as we introduce software into hardware, its shelf-life dimin... 
Just updated my virtual system
@erik_squires You gave me the push I need to pick up a Tidal sub. Tying Tidal into Roon immediately filled out more of the music library I've been missing when using Qobuz only. I've been wanting to consolidate my subscriptions, but instead, they'... 
Just updated my virtual system
Very nice, man. Lots to like here. What do you use as digital music sources? I'm wondering how connected your HT and HiFi are.   
Improving Comcast modem signal
Have you guys with bad internet looked into Starlink? It's Elon Musk's company.   https://www.starlink.com    
Improving Comcast modem signal
@chungjh iFi has product that fits between a power supply and component: DC iPurifier2. Site says that it supports "5-24v DC (up to 3.5A, 84W)." I might try it for myself. It's already pretty affordable by HiFi standards, but if you don't like the... 
Improving Comcast modem signal
@cakyol I don't know about special hardware in routers. I just read these:   https://www.pcgamer.com/i-built-my-own-super-router-out-of-old-pc-parts-and-ive-never-felt-so-powerful/ https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/01/numbers-dont-lie... 
Improving Comcast modem signal
One thing I’ve thought about, but haven’t yet tried, is breaking down the router into its separate components. As you may know, ISPs will supply consumers with all-in-one modem-routers. Lay people who tinker with their home network will usually ge... 
Improving Comcast modem signal
I chose to supply my own modem and router with my internet provider. I did place low noise power supplies on both the modem and router--I used iFi power supplies. I didn’t hear a difference when I placed them into the chain. However, I haven’t tri... 
Upsampling PCM or DSD in 2022
A few takeaways from the discussion so far: People here have a strong preference for a format, whether it’s PCM or DSD. That tells me DSD is something I need to hear, and I can decide whether I prefer it or not. My current DAC doesn’t support D... 
Upsampling PCM or DSD in 2022
When I get a chance to listen critically, I'll post my findings here. I know in the past years casting Qobuz that I notice the difference between 16-bit and 24-bit content. But I haven't picked up on SQ improvements based solely on sample rate. Th... 
Upsampling PCM or DSD in 2022
Thank you @erik_squires. That Sample Rate Conversion slider was the setting I was missing.   
Upsampling PCM or DSD in 2022
@deadhead1000 I've been trying to avoid introducing general purpose computers into the audio chain, but when Spotify ditched it's CD quality tier I caved and picked up Roon and Qobuz. I still don't particularly like having to boot up a computer in... 
Upsampling PCM or DSD in 2022
@erik_squires I looked into upsampling with Roon. When I use the computer as Roon Core only (and send the stream to the HiFi), I don't see the ability to upsample. I do see the ability to upsample when the computer is also acting as the streamer. ...