
Responses from ckorody

Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
Hi - I am the proud new owner of some of the ceramic/gold fuses that Parts Connexion and a few others are selling. Surprise, surprise - more tighter bass. Go figure. 
Please recommend a hard drive
No - bits is bits and there is no impact on the sound whether you use USB2, Firewire 400 or 800 or preferably SATA.That said, given drive prices I would not bother with anything smaller then 200Gb and personally buy 300 and 400Gb drives. It turns ... 
Is USB overrated as decent digital source?
Hi Mike - That's a tremendous thread you got going on AA.Really not much to discuss except for the various value propositions offered by the manufacturers. As Herman points out there is much to like about one box solutions but this is basically th... 
Why don't they make a dedicated iPod just for...
This may come as a really big surprise to you, but I don't think they see the market quite the same way that you do...Consider if you will that they just sold 20M units in Q42005 - there is probably no real sense in Cupertino (where corporate HQ i... 
speakers for low listening levels/tube amp
I own a Baby Electric - there is a lot to like about it - but in my experience you need to pay a lot of attention to speaker efficiency, they simply don't have a lot of grunt. I think you are on the right track with the Omegas and Abbys 
Best for Least: Power strip, what's best?
Highly recommend the BPT Pure Power Center. You can use your favorite power cord with it.. Also for $20 extra Chris can add some caps to isolate the duplexes from one another. 
Computer-Based Audio Primer
Both SB and iTunes are OS agnostic. No doubt there are some tricks making NAS do its thing, but we have a PC accessing a iTunes Library that lives on a Mac, that is also shared with the SB.Check the threads here and on Audio Asylum PC Forum under ... 
Tube pre- or amp: does it matter?
To try and answer your original question... If you are going to go with just one, the general consensus is to go with the preamp. Reason being that the amp can only "amplify" the signal it is sent - so you can induce tube goodness with a pre. Beyo... 
How Can I Use MY IPOD For a Music Source?
The dock is a much better way to go - it is a fixed output line out signal. Meaning that you need a volume control between the iPod and the amp - a small passive will do the trick.There are a number of them on the market. Some key differences are:... 
Hints on how to sell on A'gon?
A lot of good ideas here...One thing that hasn't been mentioned is packing - the bigger and heavier the item the bigger a concern it becomes. So I don't worry about power cables - I do worry about floorstanding speakers. FWIW I see original packin... 
eac vs itunes ripping
If you use iTunes be sure you check "error correction when reading Audio CDs" I've got to believe that this is a similar, if perhaps less rigorous implementation of the same idea - works for me 
What do folks use to clean cables/connections?
I like the Caig De-Oxit for step one. Step two can be the silver goop, or Caig Gold or even the Cardas connector juice. Lately I've been mixing the Gold and the silver stuff to thin it out and apply it very lightly with a foam (as opposed to cotto... 
Someone please 'splain me
Howard - Easiest thing from a networking and interface perspective is probably SB. Why not save the money on the USB/SPDIF DAC 'thingy' and buy a SB instead. Feed the CD/DAC via SPDIF - or try the SB straight to the preamp.You are making this way ... 
Best monitor for under $1500?
Hi - did some surfing around because I was curious about 4311s - some kind of flashback - and came across the following article which I thought was well written and maybe even relevant and helpful to your efforts 
Looking for headphones, any suggestions?
Have to agree with Sufentanil that the AKG1000 is fabulous. But by the time you buy it, a Stefans Art cable and an amp (like a used Sophia Electric Baby) you are well beyond your budget... Also getting a bit bulky for the rough and tumble of the d...