
Responses from cjfrbw

It's fine that you don't like your experience with your trannies, but it is a rather large leap to generalize that all transformers have the cited negative characteristics. Certainly SUT's are capable of enormous subtlety, tone, texture and some r... 
SUT's can have a characteristic sound or influence on cartridges. Shopping for one that works well with your setup can be tedious. If you have one that has a character that you don't like, then it will irritate you and eventually you will not live... 
How hot should my WAVAC 300b run
Sorry, I meant the Wavac MD 572 model, not 560. 
How hot should my WAVAC 300b run
I have two of the Wavacs, the 560 model and the 811B which use transmitting tubes, and the whole amp is very, very warm to the touch during operation. I would suspect the 300b model might run a little cooler because it is not the standard transmit... 
How international is your system?
cartridge Germantonearm and turntable BritishPhono Amp/Preamp AmericanAV Receiver JapaneseCrossover JapaneseAmps: Five Japanese (2 SS, 3 tube), five American (two SS, 3 tube)Speakers AmericanCD player JapaneseCD processor BritishDVD/SACD/CD player... 
What amp to use with Apogee Stage speakers
I still use Stage speakers as my main speakers, although they have been rebuilt with Graz ribbons and I use active crossovers now. The best amp I tried with them when I had the passive crossover was the VTL Sig 450 monos, although I would imagine ... 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
Don't believe MF "formally" reviewed the Raven, sort of commented on it at length in the analog section of Stereophile and compared it by memory and across systems to some of the tables he has reviewed in the past. Pcosta here (owned the SME 30) a... 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
HI, Matt,Shindo is outstanding. I just acquired the SME 30 in my own system after hearing the Shindo and comparisons are, as stated, across systems and are probably limited in validity due to the built in comprimises of the comparison. I do prefer... 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
I like the Audio Federation's blog on high end turntable comparison. Their take is that above the $20,000 retail threshold, the difference between high end turntables could be accounted for by adding or subtracting a "tweak" from the system i.e. c... 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
SME 30/2 with IV-VI arm is the best source I have heard. Comparisons across systems and cartridges are probably not valid, but everybody does it anyway, and I would say within the limitations of this kind comparison, the SME 30 is better than the ... 
Do I need Pro Logic IIx?
No, Prologic IIx adds two addiional rear speakers aside from the regular two rear ambient speakers. The extra speakers are dispensible INMHO and probably have very little effect on the overall impact, although I use the rear speaker because I have... 
7.1 setup with DPLIIx, SACD, DVD-A anyone?
I have used surround sound for 30 years, never stopped.I use the DPL IIx Music with a Yamaha RX Z9 in 6.2 mode and a center channel and prefer it for 2 channel Redbook. I do not find that it helps with vinyl, but digital two channel sources do ver... 
Plastic ring over tweeter opinion
There was a thread on Audio Asylum about removing the plastic bit around tweeters. Charles Hansen of Ayre acoustics said these parts are "helmholz" radiators tuned to beam at a frequency, somewhere between 12 and 16Khz, in order to make the treble... 
Thoughts on adding a Super tweeter .
You would have to try it, but I suspect the better, more extended and energetic your regular tweeter, the less you would benefit. I would opt for a trial basis only. A lot of women think all men are insects, so you might benefit there as well. 
As Dave suggested, a Graz XLM ribbon will dramatically improve the sound. Also, I have changed the woofer in my Centaurus Minor, and that is better, too, and requires no crossover modification.Go to the Apogee user's group and do a search, the inf...