

Responses from cindyment

How do you know when a stereo sounds good?
@jerryg123 , do you mean Ted Denney's group? That is the only audiophile hate group I am aware of on Facebook.  
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Tesla went too far, he got to a point where he was so far down the road that others could not understand what he was getting at any more. When Einstein was asked what it was like being the smartest man in the world, he replied, "I don’t know,... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@teo_audio  Fyi, mr debunker: Just one point among thousands....Toyota corporation has patents, patents that have been applied for, been evaluated and passed scientific muster...and have been granted..on atomic transmutation. For a good 5 years... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@mahgister  You appear to have a Tesla fetish. He obviously did early work in X-rays, but anything he did pre-1986 was "claimed" and after the published work of Röntgen. We really don't know what he did, other than his post Röntgen claims as noth... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@cindyment You don’t have any problem with any of those concepts, because you bend over to Authority. You have never seen a black hole, never seen an object made of just Neutron stars (a theoretical object that violates all known laws of physic... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Such as, and please have examples beyond Alfvén who is now long dead, and whose expertise did not encompass cosmology or astrophysics. Tesla was a tinkerer and inventor, but not a scientist and not much of a physicist, and his training in that are... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
It appears we need a trigger warning on my posts ^^^^^ I have a feeling many will be quite happy to engage with me. Perhaps a breath of fresh air. Everyone is welcome to their own opinions, but not their own facts. Nothing I am saying should be c... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@yuviarora , I don’t have any issue with black holes or neutron stars, and our observations of multiple electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena correlate with the theories. Dark matter is accepted as likely, and really, it is just distributed... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Old style incadesent bulbs will start glowing almost immediately even as the voltage is building once the switch is closed but LED bulbs will not light up below a certain voltage. I notice that when I flip a switch in a room now it takes a brief ... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@apogeum , Even hard core physicist will tell you that field theory for electrical conduction is rarely consequential to the outcome, though we both use and experience it day in and day out in the form of transformers, RF, and EMI.  Contrary to w... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
You know that "Thunderbolts of the Gods", i.e. the "Electric Universe" is quackery? No recognized scientist thinks this is a suitable theory to explain the universe. There is 0 rigorous work to turn this hypothesis into a theory. I would go on a l... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
stuartk 836 posts 11-30-2021 2:34pm @martinman: "I think the best way to sum up this thread is ...  you can get a lot of DAC for very little $$$".    I'd suggest that depends upon what you like and more to the point, what you've... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
david_ten 4,861 posts 11-30-2021 2:24pm You need to define it for yourself. Hint: it's not the DAC. The cost for achieving state of the art sound, however, is high for both (at this point in time).     I will repeat using di... 
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money?
itsjustme 471 posts 11-30-2021 3:02pm You ignored everything i said. I'm not being baited.   If baiting is asking you to justify your position to which I pointed out the inconsistencies and errors, then I guess I baited you. If I ... 
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money?
@itsjustme , virtually all USB made now are async and they are effectively as queued as Ethernet. Bit errors on USB are close enough to 0 to be zero. There is no "reclocking" in a USB DAC. There is only clocking. Not all are perfect, but if they ...