

Responses from cindyment

Next best exponential DAC quality level?
@teo_audio ,   I will just point out again, that your ongoing attempts at attempting to discredit me personally do nothing to validate the relevance or accuracy of what you have posted. I would encourage you to stick to the topic and address wha... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
@cindyment  Yes you must be right because the Aries Cerat Kassandra II DAC weighs 120kgs and Lamm hasn't changed the design of their solid state 1.2 class A monoblocks for around 20 years. These guys must be total clowns to build such garbage :... 
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?
Speakers that have sharp dispersion limits such as horns, planar speakers and linear arrays have large advantages acoustically in residential rooms. A properly deadened small room say 16 X 30 sounds better than a really big room with high ceiling... 
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?
Lots to unpack in this thread. Would it not be best to start with how we perceive sound? Our hearing is sensitive to timing over a narrow frequency range, about 200-1500Hz. It would make sense to have time alignment over that frequency range. Man... 
Does Anyone Know What is Up with High Fidelity Cables?
@ozzy , Best to communicate with your wallet. Cancel the order. If you are still interested when the situation improves, then put the order back in. The supply chain, and everything is a total mess now, and missing deliveries by months is unfort... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@teo_audio , Most forums have a mantra, "Attack the post, not the poster". That subject of your post shows lack of conviction for what you posted. I am still waiting for you to communicate the relevancy of your post. Will that be coming? Some m... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@teo_audio ,   The study characterizes the fluctuations in the shock waves of vehicles traveling at speeds of Mach 2 to 10 and is modeled in one dimension. Please explain what in audio travels at supersonic speeds, and hence the relevance to ... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@yuviarora ,   Any person who publicly writes this is in the latter 20th century or 21st century is a nutcase. Keep in mind it is you that is advancing the people who wrote this.   The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago plan... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
@tsushima1,   Do you have a fiscal interest in the products discussed in this thread. I assume you do as you are just attacking me, but have not brought any value to the thread, and not refuted anything I have wrote. Why do you feel the need to... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
  @lordmelton , that was quite a feat to include so much "wrong" in a single post. Here we go: A $99.00 DAC is a turd and you can’t put lipstick on it you probably have a better DAC in your laptop or car. The $99 DAC has one of the best DAC... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
I doubt we would agree on where the revolutions are in neuroscience but I agree, revolutions, but not just in neuroscience, but in all areas of "human" science. We even have an Aids vaccine on the horizon, and I expect we are going to see cancer v... 
How do you know when a stereo sounds good?
Ask a relevant question @boxer12 , and I will answer it. I played around with cables, etc. 25+ years ago, realized I was an idiot, and moved on. You? Nothing I observed was not easily explained and the usual explanation was bias.  
The Big Misconception About Electricity
@teo_audio , And if one actually read the full Teo patent for liquid metal conductors.... it's right in there, in the text.... for being a experimental medium/methodology for such work. You may want to go back and read what a time crystal is,... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Pretty sure he did everything pre 1986. You know, since he died in 1943. I can’t help but notice all your responses sound as if you read a post, do a quick 5 minute crash course on Wikipedia, then rebut that post like you’re the grand authority... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
By the way, owning a photographic IMAGINATIVE memory  Tesla never draw a blueprint before working on all his machine designs, save for his workers needs... I expect this was another downfall of Tesla. So called photographic memories have been s...