
Responses from cincy_bob

Best jazz or blues female vocalist ever
Stan, another great vocalist who has not yet been mentioned here is Anita O'Day. If you can get hold of the nine-disc set by Mosaic Records, you'll be in heaven. 
CD player recommendations
The Doge 6 CD player that is being marketed by Pacific Valve sells for about $1,500, including an upgraded tube complement. This is truly a great CD player with excellent build quality that sits right in the middle of your price range. I would be ... 
How Long to Burn-In Western Electric 300Bs?
Joe, you raise a good point about the importance of the other tubes. I have been under the assumption that the other tubes in my amps (RCA 6SN7GTB driver tube and Chatham 5R4WGA recifier tube) are fully burned in as they now have several hundred h... 
How Long to Burn-In Western Electric 300Bs?
Thanks for your input, guys.Joe, in the end, what I think you are saying is that you have not experienced noticeable changes in the sound of the WE tubes in your system. Fair enough. There could be many reasons for that, including the nature of th... 
How Long to Burn-In Western Electric 300Bs?
To be clear, I'm not asking whether the tubes need to be burned in before they can be properly used. While the tubes are burning in, they will be in my SET amps making music. I'm simply wondering whether others' experience confirms the Stereophile... 
Living voice and kondo
You have to keep in mind that the difference between 10wpc of amplification and 20wpc of amplification is only 3dB of SPL headroom. Whether that last 3dB will be important to you depends a lot on the size of your room, the style of music you prefe... 
Finding ultra-pure water locally...
Jtimothya, maybe it's naive on my part, but I figured that whatever sort of storage container the Reagent water has been stored in to date will be fine for continued storage at home. So that's what I am planning on doing unless I find it's a bad i... 
Finding ultra-pure water locally...
Albert, thanks for the info. This evening, I just followed your lead and ordered a four-gallon case of my own from 
Tube CDP/DAC sound: too "refined"?
I think this is like a lot of things in high end audio where everything comes down to implementation. In short, I think it is impossible to generalize about how a player will sound based strictly on whether it uses a tube output stage. When a play... 
tube CD player for tube integrated amp?
Ez ear, to date, I have not been too creative with the tubes in my Doge 6 CD players. You might be aware that Pacific Valve has a decent stock of tubes - both new reissue tubes and NOS tubes. The staff at Pacific Valve has experimented with variou... 
tube CD player for tube integrated amp?
I have been overwhelmed by the sound quality of the Doge 6 CDP given the modest price tag. While I don't have any experience with the other players you are considering, I would be surprised if anything in this price class can beat the Doge 6. 
Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8
I have had extensive experience with the W/P 7s and the original Salons in my own system. So my comments are only relevant to the extent you believe the W/P 8s and the Salon 2s have adhered to the "house sound" of the immediately preceding models.... 
Excellent affordable preamps keep springing UP
If a transformer volume control (TVC) passive preamp meets with your system needs, the Promitheus Audio units are an outstanding value. Most of the Promitheus TVCs sell new for between $300 and $700, and the sound quality is truly excellent. TVC p... 
Living voice and kondo
I agree with Boy_lah's assessment that the LV speakers need more juice than the typical 10wpc or so that a SET 300B amp can deliver to the extent you like to listen at lifelike decibel levels and you listen to music that demands a lot of power (e.... 
Living voice and kondo
I am using the Morrow Audio reference transformer-coupled 300B amplifiers with the Living Voice IBX-R2 speakers. The Morrow amplifiers are an excellent, all-out design, and the combination with the Living Voice speakers is heavenly. Mike's amps se...