
Responses from christianb5s4

Whats playing on your system today?
In Session - Albert King with Stevie Ray Vaughan.  
Whats playing on your system today?
Hypnotized - Fleetwood Mac.   
DENAFRIPS Terminator ii 12th Ann
OS slow on a Terminator Plus here, I played with the others but this is my favorite.   
Rant: PSA to builders, housewives, and general complaint
Personally, I know there is real sonic tradeoff for doubling a listening space as a living space. However, I am a big fan of being able to use and appreciate my system as much as possible and with people when possible.   I could never imagine ha... 
Whats playing on your system today?
@femoore12 Excellent choice. If only it was on more than YouTube.   
How tall do you like your images?
@erik_squires Out of those, I haven't done ceiling but I did treat the others mentioned. Thankfully I have vaulted ceilings which helps but my WAF of existing treatment is definitely near or at the limits!  
How tall do you like your images?
This discussion has been very interesting in terms of provoking thought around what I feel, acoustic treatment wise, is the remaining weak link of my room.   My listening room is my living room, so it has double duty of TV and music. I would lov... 
Some thoughts on Focal Kanta
I have the Kanta 3s, which I auditioned against Sopra 3s and Revels. I loved how dynamic they are along with the revealing side. They are great and IMO underappreciated speakers.  
Your last concert was to see who and when?
George Thorogood, lead up was Robert Cray in Costa Mesa CA. Phenomenal, and huge kudos for anyone at that age who still goes live.  
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?
Grew up in Hong Kong, my dad had a Sansui stack with three way bookshelf speakers. My first 'system' was a Wal-Mart surround sound for $80 bucks.   Didn't get serious until bonding with my fiancé's dad around music and got me down the rabbit hol... 
Parasound vs Coda
Destination HiFi is about an hour from me, so it's definitely worth a drive up there if I can make time.   @reg19 If you have a minute, curious about what you liked on the JC1+ over the other reputable options you tried?   
Tune of the Day
@curiousjim After you posted that Frampton song, I did some exploring. All Blues is also fantastic (the whole album).  
Parasound vs Coda
@helomech Thanks for the explanation, Destination Hifi is not far so I plan to go up for a demo. They're the closest Coda dealer by far.   @yyzsantabarbara I did not, I was over optimistic on how much time I had this past weekend. A weakness of ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
@curiousjim I wasn't sure if it got posted in the jazz thread, but such a good album.   Tried a new sun aged special of Whistlepig, not sure it's their best if I'm totally honest!  
Parasound vs Coda
@helomech If you recall, what did you like more about Coda over Parasound besides being quieter?