Responses from christianb5s4
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"! @yyzsantabarbara That's good feedback which I value a lot knowing your experience with the 16 which was a big factor into picking one up of my own. I'll have to make a trip to Destination one of these days. | |
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"! @yyzsantabarbara I'll be very interested to hear your thoughts on the new flagship. I'm absolutely in love with my #16 and wonder if Doug would update internals with improved parts used in newer creations? | |
Is it still worth buying a Lumin x1 in 2023? @jwcinsd The good thing about Lumin is you're starting with excellent hardware, but they continually update firmware even on older devices. For example, an X1 is still excellent like many components. I am curious having a U1 with X1 power sup... | |
Differences in YouTube, Spotify, etc. I tried them all, and Qobuz is by far the best in my experience. Spotify I use for casual streaming and is great for music discovery. Tidal is a cut above Spotify on sound quality, Amazon HD was the most disappointing of them all and canceled sho... | |
Denafrips Terminator vs. Venus @mact3333 I can't comment on the original Terminator, but went from Venus 2 to Terminator Plus. Everything was a step up and well worth it to me. That said, the Venus is great. In isolation, I was and would be completely content. | |
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"! Does anyone have recommendations on a tube pre that matches well with Coda amps? Mainly preamps that are or offer balanced. | |
Arcam SA30 issue with input Have you checked if it's running the latest firmware? I went through several updates on my AV40 before it was rock solid. | |
Suggested Power Cable for Streamer I've had good experiences with Triode Wire Labs, a brand that has a good reputation by many here. I noticed a slightly more relaxed and natural sound adding it (Digital American 2 cable) to feed my Lumin U1/X1 power supply. | |
Power cable Advice... @ghdprentice I’m currently running a Shunyata Venom HC for my amp (direct to wall and on its own dedicated 20amp line), and have always had good experiences with AQ. What do you like about the hurricane? I’m wanting to step up on the PC front ... | |
Revel Salon2s: Seeking Advice Likewise @kennymacc , that's the fun (and expensive part). It's a journey no doubt! I hope to hear them someday. | |
Revel Salon2s: Seeking Advice @kennymacc I did listen to Sopras and Kantas when I auditioned, but unfortunately not Salons. The thing that seems to be repeated is the Salon2 punches way higher than its price and wish I could have heard it. Unfortunately those specifically I co... | |
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"! @yyzsantabarbara I decided to start with the XP22 because it while maybe not the most excited or colored, it’s still very good as a neutral reference point since I was just starting my journey then. Now that I’ve got the amplification leveled ... | |
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"! @yyzsantabarbara I am now the proud owner of that Coda 16, and my initial listening impressions are pretty stunned for the positive. I saw you share that and didn’t chime in to jinx anything until I bought it! Compared to the JC5, everything i... | |
Revel Salon2s: Seeking Advice @steve59 I was contemplating given Upscale's closeout on them, but decided to sit tight. | |
Cream — Stormy Monday Another one worth listening to is Clapton’s Crossroads 2 (Live in the Seventies) album. One more that is stunning is the Cream album Royal Albert Hall London May 2-3-4-5-6 2005. My personal fave. |