
Responses from chazzbo

Is it worth it?
P.S.there is that new flor standing $2K Thiel if you like things on the bright side. 
Is it worth it?
Cripes with that front end you could justify the cost of Merlins!!!Maybe one of the slim Audio Physics would do.FOr cheap the AP Spark is an excellent Class B floorstander great for nearfield listening.Stereophile alos gave the nod to the Joseph r... 
Need a Frank Sinatra recommendation
Buy tyhe Capitol "Concept" CD's in their entirety as they are well "Concepts".Story goes that wehn Frank went to go form Reprise in '63(?) Capitol without his permission started to assmeble songbooks according to composer say "Rogers and Heart" et... 
Best brand of cable for B&W N802?
A freind of mine got nice results from Krell into 801N's with wire from Mappleshade.I believe he liked it so much he was going to upgrade to the Omega Mikro.When helping a freind set up a an FPB300 into 803N's I suggested Cardas Gold Reference as ... 
What size subwoofer to get?
As I concur with the above advice I would suggets the Vandersteen Sub which used should run $750.It has an execllent crossover which is is accessed through a direct hook up to your speaker posts and responds to the full range signal not just what ... 
Need monitors with a BIG sound
Do yourself a favor and listen to the Audio Physic Spark.Most of the speakers mentioned above I have heard and they are good choices.But for a compact foolrstander they are thin and easy to move for critical listening yet sound fine a foot and a h... 
Tube Pre-amp w/Remote under 600????
Not sure about remote but awhile back there was a a used Bruce Moore designed MFA for $550 and that's soemthing I'd look for if you can find another.You are looking for a very inexpensive piece for glass and the remote may be the killer to the sea... 
Best SACD player under 2,000.
Get in touch with Dan Wright at Modswright.He has a few version of upgrades for the Sony ES line.I believe he has favorable nod in comparing his full blown 777 with $10K Accuphase.He also told me that a stock $1K Phillips has to be heard to be bel... 
The best CD Player for the money
Dan Wright fully moded Sony stuff though hre sings the praises of the new $1K Phillps that was $2k up until recently.He thought it sounded gr4eat out of the box and give him a budget of say $500-1500 and he'd max it out like the Sony's (he still t... 
Why bi-wiring is bad
It would seem that bi-amping will create the desired effects that some ascribe wrongly to bi-wiring.I have heard the first step in more than one hi-end system followed by the installation of a matching amp where theresults that one wants come forth. 
Nautilus 805 setup question
AlbodorNot sure what stands you have on the way and if can reverse them back but call Bob Warzalla atSound Anchor and have him explain what went inot their design.He told me that he top mass loaded them as opposed more prettily and way more expens... 
Instructions to electrician about dedicated line
Time out for a question!?!?!!!Does going with dedicated 20 amp lines allow for use of power conditioners like say PS Audio 600 or can they not use this much current?Thought I had read somewhere that these devices could not handle this amount of cu... 
The best way to design an audio system.
Wally an Sean seem to have it right.But flexiblity for whenever the inevitable urge to chenge out tsuff is important.I would like to get more efficient speakers and go with a smaller,more refined amp than my 6L6 based Mesa baron.But the fact that ... 
Black Diamond Racing Products I'm confused
Yeah but they sell themselves.As a tweak (and cable) skeptic I know these things are among the best cones around and come in "tunable" forms for desired sound.When somebody sells a "Shelf" it's bought within hours and my freind with a VPI 19 and n... 
Adcom GFP-750 pre with Bryston 4BST amp works?
Interesting I had the Adcom and preffered the pre in active too.Bummer was I had the whole stack (GCD and 5802) and it was just too much juice for my little 805 Matrix B&W's.Sounds like a good combo to me but I might want to try a Bryston 20 o...