
Responses from chazzbo

Anyone know price of Wilson Benesch Triptych stand
Boy what scatter shot and typos galore.Have Aries and will have VPI in fture.Read somnwhere that a guy felt something missing and he was told his rack not up to snuff.Went deep and bought vibe killing Wilson Bnesch but they make two and most must ... 
Turntable Stands
Go to avid audio and go to link of guy who they listed from gives his perosnal story.It's funny I am a cable skeptic but see the reduction in vibes as often worth the freight especially with speaker stands and by extension racks... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
May not have the "soul" which is audiotory and aesthetic.The needle in groove being so sexual in it imagery may be the aesthetic part.Plus it's making sourse of enjoyment "mortal"(it will wear out).But perhaps that our ears beiong analogue "instru... 
Naim Audio - Threat or menace?
Cult gear if their ever was.One of the "one brand" brands like Audionote,Linnand Rega on cheap side where you can get everything from soup to nuts or at least amps and wires.Many think that beacuse you have this option you can go with gear wheere ... 
Need Integrated to pair with Triangle Antal.
Which ever your choice you have advatage of high sensitivity if I remember correctly.Lot's of 40 watt tube models like my EAR 834 or a CJ (a bit noisy but very euphonic if you like tube sound).Though I didn't get along with the guy on the phone wi... 
Speaker recommendations in the $3,500-$4,000 range
To veryboduyAppolgized to Aktchi for "stream of conciousness" but onme I get on a jag bervity isn't my strong pint.Glad other also mentioned speakers abilyt to play at different volume levels especially low level listening,This for mr is the acid ... 
What to get freinds into on the cheap?
Think you guys are all on the mark.Just think about what choices we have now versus 50's through 70's.It's just that mass market with component quality will somtimes get you so far but not "quite their".On other hand think about small $300 or less... 
Which Magnepans 3.5 or 1.6?
Thinmk Jamsescince is right on though haven't heard the 2.,6.Think Bryston is poular (I justb got a set for buddy's 3.6's which were soooo much harder to drive than his MGIII's.A try ribbon tweeter is beter than quasi.Have heard Arc 100's are grea... 
$6000 used:Revel Ultima Studio?
Kals right.But if you can't get to them check prices and I think you'll see if you made a istake then you will find you can sel;l for what you paid for them.I love 'em.Make sure ytou don't match them with 15 year old that ius wrn out (heat and tim... 
Mint Condition, Doesn't Anyone Know What It Means
Gold mine is out of date.Not suire if it was "good rockin' tonight" or other site added "Excellent" and "Excellent plus.Oroiginal Goldmine went P+poor almost not playable just to say you have it.2)Good-basically trased LP with lot's of scratches m... 
Speaker recommendations in the $3,500-$4,000 range
New or used?Man there are so many choices if you are icluding used.Since no laser or complex motor mechansim to go bad (there is a "motor assembly" in speakersone that get's hot to but it's one with magnetcoil,spider etceverything se into driver b... 
Stereophile review of the T-Amp
Good for Ipod use right?I am sure it can be used nicley with some Class C or D speakers better than say that Altec "yste," which looks good but in an office or bedroom you canm get by with the 25 watts.Maybe something cheaper with Fostex drivers l... 
Rega P25 vs VPI Scout
Think Rega's VTA can be adjusted "on the fly" with some after market products offered (full collar not just a spacer).Unlike 10 and 12" Memorial arms the 9" cannot be adjusted on the fly.New Signature version of 9" VPI arm has anti-skate.Spoke to ... 
Should I purchase an expensive phono preamp
Give us ome idea of what you like about what you have and what you don't Also unltimate transducer is your speakers.I know it is sophisticated to say that you can use lesserr speakers "That's it's only the kids at Circut City or Best Buy" who say ... 
speaker efficiencey?? Starting point...? 92db??
Plato is right.We may be onverge where even HT recievers have room correction to flatenntheings out buit that is now perveiw of #,600 DEQX (great pre/pro),$10K TACT.Some speakers like Infinity have RABOS to take out upper bass "hump" and produce f...