
Responses from chazzbo

mouse isolation tweak???????
Sorry about typos above-I do speake enrish but on the fly.Chazz 
mouse isolation tweak???????
This Genko acrylic boards with divits for lacrosse balls (don't make you won our $400 is work extenive research we spent comparing different lacrosse balls.Geesh!) I think is beind Brightstar which I neve really liked because balancing heavy table... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
As is said they have been converging.Reviews of say Plinius have reviewers (and owners swear there is s hidden tube somewhere).Tube amps have been known for mids and weioth tight circut and tube choice z(EL34's may not have bass or slam of KT88 bu... 
Going Aktiv
Know his is off subject but if you want to bring your Linn's into mid 21st century take a look at the DEQX site.This is the company that supplied the technology that made everybody's jaw drop at CES and give it best of show etc.It is not just a pr... 
HiDef DVD vs. High End Legacy
Also heard that with a Hidef set Blu Ray is no Joke.Like wipe grime off your winshiled.Me I am upset now that I have found that CDR and DVDR discs are string to deteriorate after 3-5 years.First saw a guy hear on Audiogon said he got rid of his ta... 
Insurance for audiophiles
There were stories a while back (10n years) where many home owner policies were not covering CD's and folks were geting pissed off come flod,fire,or theft time.Compamies said there was no way to verify the actual value of the CD's taken and how ma... 
What's the best CD transport for $1500 or less?
When you say transport you aren't mentioning a D.A converter you have in mind.Big world of CD red Book players like Electrcompniet.Musical Fidelity,Gamut,Esoteric. etc etc.Plus you don't metion if you want more than red book performance for SACD o... 
Is Krell 400xi enough to power Revel Studios?
$%K is great deal on studio (let me know if you pass them up) and If it can drive the 803N slepp well tonight and write check tomorrow.The 803N's may have a listing of 90db effciency but have a nasty impedance swing making them difficult and need ... 
Why is my amp requiring as much volume gain?
Thanks guys.I might check to see where the seting is for 1 or 2Mv and yess were not talking about going from a 50 to a 300 watt.Notice the newer maggies eat it up even more than before (went for III to 3.6) and they have always been hungry.Might a... 
Tube amp question
Jolida and VTL 85 are grea reccomendations.ZAlso know that while you get greatn euphonics and best mids with tubes your frequency extremes cann ,all things being equallike prive etc, you get beter bass control and more dynamic slam with solid stat... 
New R Series Rel Subs
For muisc get a sub that is fats and pitch accurate.REL.Martin Logan Decent and my budget fave the Vandersteen 2Wq all have multiple drivers to equak the sqaure inch output of 12 to 18 inch single sub with big plodding drivers.Only subes zi know o... 
Phono stage as good as CJPV-11?
PV1 sperate.More noise than other but bought used is great deal.You know you are geting tubes and euphonics.I was going to match my EAR 834 intergated amp with the 834 phono which sells very quickly hear when posted but have a VPI table which allo... 
Are there any budget tubed preamps that stand out
I've read nice things about Minimax as well.Another China company to check out is Cayin (great integrated tube unit-Harry Wesfeld from VPI gave it a great boost and he is not some hack looking for ad dollars).Depends on absolute budget and what yo... 
McIntosh 'balanced'outputs--are there adapters?
Yes.Just look at some of the on line ctlogues for adapters or call Mac.If going cataloguie route best brnd to look to from Muisc Direct (ask for Bes tell 'em chazz sent 'ya).Absoulute Sound etc look for WBY if they have them.Chazzbo 
High power integrated suggestions please.
Chord intergrated is powerfull ,expensive and refinedif you have a budget t hat will allow it blows doors on all mentioned and like say the (excellent)Music Fidelty.I sold Mac for 6 years and know it's gear thjat if you like it you love it and rig...