
Responses from chazzbo

Compare Analogue Productions and Classic records
45 sound better be4cause it's like running tape at higher speed where more data on tape per inch buit of course they have to be flipped more often.If you get them and or have a large collection nothing beats a vacuum cleaning machine like the VPI.... 
Small speakers for retail store
See what Gallo Due would run.Go to their site.Must say smallest spheres and little sub does not cut it but if you go to a dealer listen and see what you might get the larger metal more pitch accurate sub.All have good wall mount brackets availible... 
Can Audio Physics be run on low power tubes?
Wish I had never sold my Mesa Baron.Had the basic 6L6 tube set up that factory said sounded better but should have kept it for the tri-tube mod so I could run EL34.KT88 amd maybe 6550's.Would go EL34 for bettermid polus with 12 tubes KT88 tjough m... 
What is the sonic differences between Manley and..
Also if you can hear a VTL somehwere they are all supposed to sound the same just more power.So if there is a place where you can hear new or used VTL model unlike some other companies the sound is very consitent between models you just get more p... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
Try sopme other speakers.Thiels are way to brite and I like a brite sound.Not sure if you are commited to them that one model is more and offender than another but have thought read the best speaker they made was the CS6.I say difernt because I kn... 
What would you buy next?
I'm not familliar with the Behring but assume this is your controlcenter and EQ?Just know that I sold mac for a few years and the jump from the MC300 to 353 was really nice since you had true balanced amp sounded muchbeter.If you can swing a new/u... 
vintage tuners
Older McIntosh was considered the creme de la creme in it's last tube configuration befopre the tuners became solid state.Do a search for official Mac site and think there is a link to a site maintained by one of the previous employees with all th... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Thanks guys.But must say one seller told me that he thought that many folks who might have sold 1)didn't wait for break in period and 2) may have run with too few watts.He just thought that the subs needed curent to open up.One other member was go... 
Stylus / Cart Life ????
Suspension is an important aspect and just time without use can cause it to have more give than it will when stylus is new.Not sure how much cantaliever material makes but cement use to attach has to differ between manufactures.Different folks say... 
Gallo Ref 3 and CJ Premier 350
This interests me greatly.Had a pair of REef2's that had good aspects to sound but always kind of sounded "gimmicky".Plus I sold them because Gallo did not have replacement tweeters only two or three years after speaker run ended.Thought that was ... 
Will Sonic Impact T amp work w/ original Quad ESL?
Not sure if anybody will respond and I can see where the toss up is in your mind.Your not talking and 845 or higher output tube with 18 watts or something.Quads as you know aren't used with 2A3 or 300B's.But why would you WANT to try this?Just for... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
ManNever thought the post would generate som mnay reponses especially ones dealling with fish.Just as aside when I sold CD's at a shop ('96 to '02)I used to tell folks that starting in about 2000 when K2 and other 20 bit processors were being used... 
If yhou were to start a shop which brands.........
Another 4a.m. post from somebody who never learned "touch typing" and looks at key board requiring manual "spell check" afterwards(also Grammar check?Logic check?I am not sure what Microsft Word will do at this point).As I wrote Klipschfan I wish ... 
Anybody heard the new Gingko Tubulous speakers?
Just reading info and rviewes of Wilson Bensch Dscovery's.Need to hear them.Can get new B&W,Gallo RefIII's,Linn's and others at dealker cost (where I used to wrok).Great speakers like Qaud 988's,Audio Physic Virgo III's or $10K list Infintiy P... 
VPI Scout upgrade path?
Coffee-nudge is at disadvantage because he added SDS first.Call Mike head tech at VPI and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that he'll say SDS.Sandwich is a must.But here's another wrinkle or two.How about keep the arm (latter to have it upgraded.You ...