
Responses from chazzbo

Gerry Mulligan Ten-Tette
The Birth of Voll session is often credited as the the led by Miles and Gil but in fact if you read about it it was a three leader project with Jeru (he got his nickname from the tune he penned for that date).The re-issue CD is very good in that t... 
Newbie needs info on modest laptop speakers
Klipsch is good and CNET turned me on to Logitech which has good cheap line that does job.Chazz 
Anyone listening to 24/196?
Bryston sounds good and has build quality so...Is a drag Bel Canto which sounds so good does not.I am watching this to get info myself.I heard really nice digital from Electrocompaniet before 24/196 was as much of issue. Chazz 
N805's vs N802's
True about power.You can use 40 watt tube of 100 watt SS with 805N now way you can do that above 804N.I sold Krell and B&W from'96 to 2001. (just before change to S/D series but not much difference on this issue).The 803/802's had close to 90 ... 
Record cleaning concentrates
Disc Doctor is usually the most recommended though pricey.If you have mold spores their is a compound that has "gold" in it's title (I am spacing now) that removes difficult to remove spores by breaking them down on enzyme level.You can search rec... 
Reccomend an integrated tube Amp-under 2k
VTL is value.Maybe a bit more would get best value in a a Cary SLi-80.If you want to tube roll and still get SS control of bass the Pathos III (not II) is great.Only thing I don't like is lack of pre-out main in.One guy here in systems had two sid... 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Note that many top pre's have di-pole designs or at least rear firing tweeters.Just thought I'd toss that in.Your speakers are probably to blame interacting with room.Treatments or a DSP might be what's in order to preserve what you like and get r... 
Room treatment dealer?
Was it Michael Green who I believe is till in biz?RPG seems like most comprehensive company but pricey.For the price adding a DEQX (read about a 6moons) might be more cost effective for results.Chazz 
Chime in.What's the Best Cassette Recorder ever ?
Today that's like asking "what was best buggy whip?"But it was Nak Dragon.The last upper line Naks were all nice the 1000,CR7 etc.But Rell to Reel like a Revox was way for pro to go before DA.Too bad the inherent maintenance costs of rotary head e... 
Tube Buffer-Tape loop
You would have to spend more but unless your player is top notch you might be better of getting 1) a pre with tubes.Less ultimate clarity but way better delivery than most CD's op-amp's that control volume.More control,dynamics and bass,or 2)or ge... 
Krell SACD Standard mk3 giving problems AGAIN
Sold them up to 2001 and they were average.But thought they put price into R&D and marketing and had some poor build compared with many lines at price point.Might be time for swap.Chazz 
Help narrow my speaker search. $2500-$3500 used.
First think TVAD could have point on the amp being issue.Cables are right ones to soften things up (sold Krell so needed to tell friends who bough Krell even though boss went elsewhere).Fact is you have one of my favorite speakers because I am som... 
Plinius 9100 or 9200 for totem hawks
Plinius makes an excellent product.Just go into a store and A/B it versus a competitor and you'll see for yourself.There are so many good products out there so it depends on price point and current demands of speaker (Totems are pretty easy load e... 
Krell or Anthem ???
NasmanI owned Krell and actually still have a 1991 Krell KSA 300 S n my closet.Anthem are softer in presentation but a fine amp.Krell A/B are not their class A products (and that's what my guess is you'd be comparing to).Both Krells have similar s... 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
Looked at my old post and forgot to mention that Diz's daughter is named Jeanie Bryson.Her stuff is great.Diane Reeves is best out there now.Also if you can find early 70's LP/CD of Dee Dee Bridgewater (right up thier with Reeves) is one she did c...