
Responses from chazzbo

Ben Harper help...
Never heard his whole catalogue but I dug his "Will To Live" CD as it in allmusic guide it had a a grittier (I think slightly reggae) funk groove to it.Check it out and others at where you can listen t sample clips of each.Chazz 
2k budget for Amp
Agree Hanamike/Jaymark.With tubes as front end in Integrated you get both that's why Unison Unico and Pathos Classic Mk II are great amps.Get bass control and "bloom" and warmth from tubes.I go all tubes but I use horn speakers and do mainly jazz.... 
Speaker for low volume listening with high WAF
Oh yeah.Also check out Dali Helicon 300's.Best monitor they make and one tiere down in there line but a guy named Lapierre has an OFFICE system that uses a $12K Mac two chassis pre and 275 power amp plus whole slew of expensive Oval Analysis cable... 
Sound Anchor stands/B&W 802N/tweeter height
I am huge Bob Warzalla fan (Sound Anchors) and they were required equipment with old 801/802 as well as Nautilus up to 803 series (I sold B&W for 6 years through Nautilus roll out).But Rhljazz might have point.Newer 802/801's need them less.Ye... 
Driving 1 ohm
I have an amp you'd like I think that fits perfect for your speakers,Appogee's et al.1991 Krell KSA 300S.Only model Krell TRULY stable into 1 ohm they ever made (and you do the math that's doubling power for each load halving from 8 ohm nominal fo... 
JMW tonearm repair?
yeah VPI would be ones to do it.Locals won't check it out same way or repair/tell you it's trashed (there honest-I like the tech named Mike)Call Sheila and fed -ex.Then stop inviting your your friends who act like 9 years olds over without relatin... 
Speaker for low volume listening with high WAF
P.S. Micro Utopias are small Mini's aren't so.if you could swing that size then add Harbeth or Totem Mani 2's (if you want huge bass)with totally different sound but damn good monitors both.Wish I could say I have heard them at low level (acid tes... 
Speaker for low volume listening with high WAF
If I had a choice amongst them smallish Merlins would be choice.Then not sure how far off wall but why not the Silverline 17.5?Great monitor.And you could go to low power any time be it tube or T power.Bang for buck the Tiny dancers seem to have a... 
2k budget for Amp
No.It depends on sound you like.What have you heard that you like?I can tell you from same manufacturer (I sold Krell back in day) all things being equal Class sounds better but gives off way more heat.Hard to find Class A new at that price.If you... 
macbook to DAC to server/cd recorder
Also think about what you can hear on the road.Who cares if they are compressed?You won't hear it rolling.Besides I'd get a Netbook for Wav files before I spent more for the Olive unless you really want it.My complaint with Olive at this poiint is... 
Entry Level Cables
Don't sweat it.You could have system multiples better and while I think Kimber makes excellent product for buck go for cheapies (even home dept 16 gauge extension cords would do) and them get Kimber latter.Heard anti is good and have bought Blue J... 
Low cost Amp?
You can have some fun with high end sound with a hybrid (tubes in pre section and SS in amp section).Jolida again would allow you to get warmth and tone out of pre tube section of hybrid integrated and get a 70 or 100 wpc model.Chazz 
Low cost Amp?
Big difference in asking question if you say what speakers you have,what the sensitivity is,ohm load (all easy to look up) and how large your room is.Tubes are great and rule of thumb is you can double power rating versus a solid state.Muisc only ... 
Gallo 3.1 vs. B&W 804 vs. faber grand piano
I sold the original 804N's for years and have to agree with above .If you going to go HT with these the rare Due might pop up for rears but you'll have a great HT timbre matched set with the $1200 Gallo center.Would suggest you look at the Class D... 
What has happened to NHT Xd and M6/T6?????
I was surprised that given the "wows" gotten from the Xd's that more companies didn't jump on the DEQX bandwagon.Now we have the Emerald CS 2's with a Rane processor and it's supposed to blow doors on anything near it's 43500 price point (folks ar...