

Responses from chazro

Buying speakers ten or more years old a good idea?
Bought my Spendor S100's 23(!) yrs ago and they still sound fantastic! 
Tango Music/Album - Recommendation
I own those 2 Tango Project recordings. Fabulous, authentic, and beautifully recorded! 
Tube vs. SS Dilemma
My story goes something like this: My love affair with tubes began when I bought a Music Reference RM9 amp. At the time it was paired with the legendary Dolan PM1 SS preamp and sounded glorious. The bug kept biting so to scratch the itch I bought ... 
Jazz for aficionados
Been a big fan of Bobby's for decades! 2010's 'VOCAbularieS' is one of the greatest achievements in vocals-only music I've ever heard. Somehow, it feels like something so beyond acapella that I hesitate to call it that. Coincidentally, this weeken... 
Popcorn Ceiling vs Smooth
If you've got a fan hanging from the ceiling prepare yourself for when, after a few years, there'll be a ring of dust on the ceiling trapped in the popcorn. No matter if you try to vacuum or dust it the ceiling will shed everywhere! Nasty! I'm loo... 
Why does most new music suck?
Sometimes I play this 'what if' scenario in my mind when hearing new music. What if I was hearing this new music back in the day? What if I didn't have my old 'reference' points for comparison? IMO as an older music-lover, it's possible to be jade... 
Am I totally nuts or just a bit off?
Yrs ago I was at a flea market on the Ohio/PA border. I bought a stereo copy of Ellington's 'Indigos' from one dealer and a mono copy from another (SCORE!;)! I always preferred the mono version. Later on I read that they're actually 2 different re... 
Jazz for aficionados
Apparently Q's having a huge birthday bash in Switzerland. A commemorative show is being prepared. I follow Take 6 on Facebook where they just posted this photo of the set list, looks like a good time!https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p3... 
Jazz for aficionados
While it could never be denied that Miles was trying to 'cash in' when he went Electric, it was still creatively important music. And as usual, the members of his band were the best of the best, most of whom went on to great success (relatively sp... 
Good Listening Lately
+1 on Sons of Champlin! I'm a Big fan of Bill Champlin. Although I've never heard any of his work with Chicago (last record I owned of theirs was III!). I picked up the Sons latest in a used record store; 2008's Hip Li'l Dreams. Bill Champlin's la... 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
Waaay back when, I owned a BIC. It wasn't bought as an 'audiophile' thing and luckily, it didn't trash the records as I still own many from that time (Just last night I fired up Henry Mancini's 'Combo' and it sounded great! Don't laugh, recorded i... 
Why does most new music suck?
Laughing to myself about 'air-guitaring'! At 60 yrs old my 'AG' days are way behind me. But am I the only guy who 'aired' other instruments? Man, I was a great air drummer!!;) 
Humor In Music
Dan Hicks & the Hot Licks....featuring the 'Lickettes'! 
The Moody Blues - "Seventh Sojourn"
I also caught the J.Geils Band, 2nd billing (featuring "Mr. Magic Dick on the lickin' stick!"), with White Trash, top billing by this time, at a place called the Rockpile in NY! Man, you wanna talk about a smokin' night of Rock'n'Roll!! Put's a sm... 
The Moody Blues - "Seventh Sojourn"
Wow, The Moody Blues & ELP, talk about a blast from the past! I guess it's safe to admit, 45 yrs after the fact, that I used to drop quite a bit of acid/LSD back in those days. 'Threshold' & 'Children's Children' were literally mind-blowin...