
Responses from chayro

Bass sensation like a loud car system in home?
There are products that you can put in your chair that vibrate your ass to make you feel like there is more bass.  Drummers use them in loud environments to feel the kick drum.  Sometimes called "thumpers".  Not exactly audiophile approved, but I ... 
Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?
@david_ten - funny you should say that because as I was writing I was thinking that exact thing. People who never experienced analog probably think that the vinyl thing is a separate hobby unto itself. Look - everything we do is far beyond what th... 
Gershman Studio 2
I've always liked Gershman.  Very musical and easy to listen to.  Too many audiophiles spend a fortune on hyper-detailed speakers and amps and then spend thousands on cables, platforms and tweaks to tame the brightness.   
Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?
I like CDs, but to me, the whole streaming thing seems like a hobby unto itself. Servers, streamers, endpoints, switches. I think if that’s what you like, have at it. It’s something else to do to keep busy. But it doesn’t intrigue me personally. 
And My Budget Is...
@mijostyn - really?   I thought it was "find out what you like in life - and drink it". 
PS audio new 25K dac and the psychological effect of owning a company's best.
The pride of ownership is often a factor in our purchases and there’s nothing wrong with it. But I don’t see that factor coming into play with PS Audio. They certainly make good products, but I can’t picture anyone sitting back saying "I have the ... 
Opinions Please on Nordost 2HENET2M and Nordost LSRD1MR
Smart choice.  Cables are very important, but only if you, in your own system, hear an upgrade commensurate with the price.  When you are buying full price from a dealer, you are entitled to a demo.  If not, why not just buy used at 1/2 price?  I'... 
Opinions Please on Nordost 2HENET2M and Nordost LSRD1MR
Your dealer should be willing to come to your home and install the new cables for you to do a listening test.  Or at least give you a demo set to try yourself.  Then you will know if the upgrade is worth it.   
B&W speakers sounding very harsh?
Call the dealer that sold you the system and they should be able to assist you.  If it was a local dealer, they should come to your home and help you address the problem. If you bought it used or from someone who refuses or cannot assist you, PS A... 
Why does Esoteric refuse to update its older models ?
The only manufacturer I recall offering upgraded models was Ayre. Right now Denefrips is offering an upgrade circuit board for their Terminator dac, but other than that?  I don't think it's a common practice, at least as far as I've seen.  Unless ... 
Just wondering about speaker cables
Maybe 3 sets of cables twisted together would be even better? 
First of all, who says that audiophiles look for brands with the lowest distortion specs?  I have never heard anyone with an expensive system mention the distortion percentages of the equipment and some of the brands you mention have higher distor... 
Lay Off the Newbies!
it’s funny how these threads take on a life of their own sometimes. It’s very difficult to make oneself so clear that your message is taken the way it was meant. I was never talking about anyone being nasty or snide when a newbie asks a question. ... 
Grounding boxes which ones have YOU tried? And results?
@jdane - ground lifting means buying an adaptor plug without a ground pin and sticking it on the end of one of the power cords until you find the one causing the hum.  It is not the optimum cure, but it is worth a try. 
Grounding boxes which ones have YOU tried? And results?
@jdane - AFAIK, the ground boxes most of us are talking about are not meant to cure earth ground hum, which needs to be addressed separately through ground lifting or whatever. This thread is about what is referred to as "signal grounding", which ...