
Responses from chayro

Merlin VSM... how far from the walls ?
In a normal home environment, IMO, I think the answer is always the same - put on a CD with fairly deep bass and a female vocal and move the speakers around until you get the best balance of bass and natural vocal timbre. That should get you in th... 
Stillpoints LP Isolator Record Weight
I would not put a heavy weight on a Linn. It's just not made for it. If you want a Linn and like it, just leave it alone. 
Audio Note CD2.1X
The only way you can tell if you would like something better is to bring it to a dealer and hook it up side by side with something else. You may well end up preferring what you have. Audio Note is not about hyper detail - it's about listening to m... 
cd player suggestions
Dpm, we all have an amount we would like to spend, but sometimes you have to suck it up and buy something you really like. A good player will give you years of enjoyment and the extra money will soon be forgotten. I'm not for reckless spending, bu... 
R. I. P. Jack Bruce
My wife of 20 years passed on the same day. I doubt she knows who he was, but maybe they will chat sometimes. 
cd player suggestions
Not just because I have one, but I really think you should try to find an Ear Acute. I was told by the distributor that they are out of production now, but there may be some new ones or demos still out there. I really think it's a great piece for ... 
Don't you just hate it when---
Damaging a cartridge while you're working on your tt is not a freak accident. Unfortunately. 
Do You Have a Favorite Disk to Set VTA/SRA?
So - Wouldn't the average audiophile's life be easier with a spherical stylus? Just set the overhang and a reasonably parallel arm tube and you're pretty much done. I wonder how compromised the sound would be if a high-quality spherical stylus wer... 
Is high-end audio dying, if not dead already???
That's why you don't buy expensive cars. You lease them and give them back in 3 years. 
Is high-end audio dying, if not dead already???
@Schubert - All you have to do is sell 10 $120K speakers a year and you've made $500K. And all you have to do is hit a single every third time you get up to bat and you're a multi millionaire. Sounds real easy on paper. 
Do You Have a Favorite Disk to Set VTA/SRA?
Interesting pictures of stylus shapes. 
Jazz In A Woody Allen Movie: "Fading Gigolo"
There's no sense getting into an argument over something that we will never be able to verify, but I agree with Mitch. The entire vibe of the film was pure Allen. It's about the feel, the situations, the irony. I really don't understand how the Ma... 
What can I improve in my audio system for better s
Buy a record player. 
Problem Setting Up ClearAudio Concept
Look for some local audiophile clubs and get someone to come over and help you. I assume you didn't buy from a local dealer, as they would set it up for you, but if you bought it mail order, call them and ask them for help. 
The Distortion of Sound
Yes, the demonstrations were highly deceptive, trying to show that bit compression resulted in a ridiculously distorted sound resembling severe amplifier clipping.