
Responses from chatta

Best Tributes, Covers, Dedications
I do have to agree with those who have said that Paint it Blue is one of the best. Of course, there are any number of other good tributes as well as many that are not so good. 
Cozi fan Tutti, EMI or Angel Records?
Hi, Did you exchange the record for the Angel version? I think it does sound as if the problem is just with the vinyl and does not have anything to do with the quality. 
Buble's interesting comments on recording
I think Buble had amazing insight into the "art and beauty" of live recording. It must be wonderful to hear every instrument and every piece of vocal come together. 
Music and politics
I not care much about a musicians politics. I might not listen to their music if I thought is sent out a negative message to society, however. 
beatle remasters on vinyl?
It seems to me that I read somewhere that the remasters on vinyl might be out somtime next month in(November). I am not sure if this accurate or if the date has been bushed back. 
Playing iPod thru car system?
Glad you found something to work for you. I believe there are also some kits that make it possible to use the AUX option (if your car's stereo system has that) in order to plug the ipod in. 
Flat Records?
Some asked about cleaning new records before the first use. I do find that I typically do clean each new record before I play them for the first time. 
Cable Costs Relative to System
I would also have to agree with having some middle ground in determing how much to spend on cables. As mentioned, if you have a high quality system,then usng more moderately priced cables will still work ver well. But, of course, no matter how goo... 
Music Inventory
I d not have any experience with doing this. My other half keeps a list of all music he has on the computer, but it is nothing formal. I think scanning bar codes and using software to keep inventory is an excellent idea. 
Rebuild or New?
I don't know. In a sense, I would think it is time to do some work on it. But then again, if it works fine and sounds great,it migt not really be necessary. 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
When you have one of those nights when the Audio Gods shine about you, it is best just to sit back and enjoy the music. You neve know when your system will sound so good again. 
How much does your system retail for?
Qgap Wow I would love to hear about your system that was so inexpensive and yet is able to fool others into thinking it retails for several thousand dollars! 
Sony Playstation 1 for a CD player ???
Yes I have a fried who uses their Sony Playstation 1 for a CD player. I have to admit that their music sounds great when they have it playing. And, of course, the only paid about $300 to acheive that sound. 
CD Player Under $1.5k With Vinyl Sound
I happen to be one of the people who believe ou will never acheive a Vinyl quality sound with a CD player. They are just completely different sounds both good in their own distinct ways. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
If your current sound system is larger than the first house you bought.If you have a car audio system that you realize is not even going to fit in your car.