
Responses from chatta

It Might Get Load - documentary
It sounds as if it is documentary worth watching. Yes I know what you mean about the movie previews and trailers here in the US often giving away too much information about the movie or documetary before you even have a chance to watch. 
Went to see Monty Alexander at Blues Allley in DC
That sounds like it was a great experience to hear (and see). That happens quite often that the sound is good but no at its best as a result of the acoustics in the venue where the music is being played. 
Been listening to The Beatles ...
I have been getting into the Beatles music more and more these days. I did not used to be a big fan. Their music grows on me each time I listen to it. 
Good Country recordings
I have to agree with Johny Cash recordings being among some of the best. I would also include Brooks and Dunn and Garth Brooks. 
Download 24 Songs & Pay $1.9 Million
My ex's brother used to download music for free all the time without paying. I used to warn him about the potential to get into trouble. After awhile, he did stop downloading for free. 
US vs Japanese Beatles remasters
No I have not heard the Japanese remasters. But I do agree with some that I think we sometimes convince ourselves a certain version sounds better if we had to pay more for it. We want to justify the cost, I guess. 
Music or Lyrics?
A song must include a good musical tone for me to truly appreciate it. However, I do find lyrics important to. I like to listen to music that relates to life (and specifically could relate to my life). Of course, this does not apply when I am list... 
Cleaning Dust off of Vinyl
I just use the cleaning pads that I purchase that are made especially to clean records. This works best and puts my mind at ease that I am dusting in a safe manner. 
Any U2 Fans Here?
Yes, I am a U2 fan. I am sorry to say that they do not have they have not always had the best recording track record. You are correct that the music is good but is impacted by poor recording at times. 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
I am one of these people that just cannot name my one all time favorite song no matter how hard I try. There is just so much wonderful music out there that it is too difficult for me to pin down one song. 
CD Cases
Yes it is cheaper than replacing discs. When necessary I do purchase new CD cases if I find that a CD comes with cardboard cases they are often junk. 
Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?
I am thinking about purchasing the Beatles CD remasters. I am not sure if it is really necessary or not because I like the sounds of all the Beatles music I have now. 
Distortion on Giant Steps?
I have heard other people talk about distortion on the Giants Steps album as well. I have to agree with others who said it appears to have been a result of the original recording. 
Beatles Love, should I run?
I think Ddcrews summed it up best. When listening to the album, it does invoke memories and really is an amazing listening experience. 
Beatles Love, should I run?
I think Ddcrews summed it up best. When listening to the album, it does invoke memories and really is an amazing listening experience.