
Responses from chatta

Finding Pure Water for Record Cleaning - very long
It is a very long post but it is also very informative and helpful. There is so much to think about when working to find the most pure water for use and to keep that water pure during storage. 
Record Cleaning Backlash
I have never used steam to clean. Maybe I will give it a try. Though it seems to me I read somewhere to be careful when using steam. Not sure why though. 
Susan Tedeschi
I love when you are able to see performances were things are about as close to perfect as they can get. I also love when a performance is so powerful that it can evoke emotion (such as bringing tears to the eyes). 
Dylan live now
It seems that the general agreement among anyone you talk to is that there are times when Dylan has excellent performances and that there are other times when they are not good at all. 
Elvis Presley Fans?
Oneaudio00, That is pretty cool that your parents had actually met Elvis. Wow! I tend to agree that his music was very well recorded and is always an enjoyment to listen to. 
The use of music formats in the listening experien
I surely want to help you with your survey for our thesis. You are covering a very interesting topic. I am looking forward to completing your survey. 
The Hot Dogs. AnyoneKnow?
I stopped by this thread because I had never heard of them before. I see a couple people have said they are pretty good so I think I will need track down some of their music. 
How do you listen to your music?
I usually put on one CD at a time to play and then decide what to play next after that album has played through. If I am listening to vinyl, I get a stack ready before I start to play. 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
I think most people on here would agree they would not want to get off the merry-go-round. Perhaps some people would only consider it if their family suffered a financial tragedy and it was a necessity to let the hobby take a backburner. 
David Gray on vinyl
I think that White Ladder is on vinyl. It seems I came accross that online at one time but I could be mistaken. 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
I think it is so interesting tha people have such diffrent favorte lyrics. I have seen everything here from romantic lines to lyrics that get you thinking about life and even death. 
Elvis - 30 Years Ago Today, RIP
That is cool that you took note of the audio systems Elvis had when visiting Graceland. I have never been there yet,but I will hae to look myself. It is not surprising that he had some good systems (for that time period). 
Noisy vinyl from Classic Records
I would take the album back to the store for a return or an exchange (whichever they offer). It is quite probable that there is something wrong with the vinyl. 
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??
I think I would take the plunge to vinyl. As so many others have mentioned, there just is nothing quite like listening to music on vinyl. Even with all the newest ways to listen to music,vinyl is still in a class of its own. 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
I would guess that there are a lot of people who have the money for the best in audio but they do not want to put forth the effort to set-up and maintain a rocking system.