Responses from chasda
Opportunity I didn't mention that I was offered these B&W speakers by a friend who owns an AV business that does everything from theaters to home automation. One of his deals fell through and he has these sitting in his warehouse. I can only choose from t... | |
VPI Classic Setup By Brian Walsh I just had VPI set up my new Prime with a VDH cartridge. I didn't want to do it, it sounds good to me. Is this something I should consider? | |
Advice on best mid priced MM cartridge choice for Rega P3 (2016) I went from Grado Red to Ortofon Bronze, best $500 I've spent on audio so far. | |
Springs under turntable I bought those springs months ago. I put them under my TT and did not hear any significant difference. I did notice my TT became a little unstable and would skip if I accidentally bumped into my cabinet. Since I owned them at this point, I experim... | |
Favorite song to demo or test drive speakers? Steely Dan : AjaGrover Washington jr. : WinelightSarah Mcloughlin : AngelManhattan Transfer : Mystery | |
Where do you go after a BlueSound Node 2i? Do all of these streamers work with Amazon HD? I am streaming with a $40 Tao Tronics blue tooth receiver, which works ok but would like to improve the SQ. I would like to stay with Amazon HD. | |
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era? I still have a Harmon Kardon HK 2000 cassette deck. I used it to make tapes for the car. It was a good deck back in the day. Don't know why but can't bring myself to get rid of it. Nostalgia I guess. | |
New TT or upgrade cartridge/platter on Project DC I was in the same situation, I have a vintage Dennon TT and was considering a new TT. After doing much research, I found the most reasonable solution was a better cartridge. I changed my Grado Red 2 to the Ortofon MM Bronze and it has probably bee... | |
New Speaker / System Suggestions I have the AS2100 powering KEF R3 standmounts with a 400B subwoofer. No lack of power and the R3s are thirsty. | |
New Yamaha integrated amps I think the Yamaha is considered consumer audio, being the major brand it is. I demoed the Parasound Halo before I bought my Yamaha AS2100. I thought the Parasound sounded great. The salesman was pushing it really hard, which turns me off. I start... | |
New Yamaha integrated amps I have the AS2100 & CDS2100 very happy with both. Rarely mentioned on this forum. I was surprised to see this post. | |
OMG, just removed my speaker grills and the sound just opened up to a new level! KEF R3 have really nice looking magnetic grills, but I do remove them when I listen. | |
$3000 stand mounted speakers? That's a big room for 40 wpc and stand mounts in that price range. I have 2 KEF R3s with a sub, right in your price range, in a smaller room and twice that power and sometimes I think I'm pushing it. | |
Albums that you listen to straight through / start to finish whenever you put them on! Grover Washington Jr. Wine light. | |
New Cartridge I have the Ortofon Bronze for a few months. I'm very satisfied, big improvement over my Grado red II.It's in your price range. |