
Responses from chasda

Phono pre amp
Thanks all for your suggestions. I never really knew how important a good phono preamp was. I thought my Yamaha had it covered. I'll use all the info to make a wise choice. 
Phono pre amp
@lewm Yes the specs are hand written in the box., not the easiest to read.Output is .65mVI'm not seeing compliance, but the Eff Arm mass is 14 grams. 
Phono pre amp
@chakster Thanks I will look into it. I appreciate the input. 
Phono pre amp
@verdantaudioI I do need to stay with black, as all of my gear including the TT is black. Thanks for the info, I will look into some of these suggestions. 
Phono pre amp
@chaksterIt appears to be low output, but the specs on the VDH are hand written in the box, not sure what they all mean. I'm a little over my head. 
Phono pre amp
@verdantaudioIf If it would make a significant improvement, I could see spending up to $1K on a separate phono pre amp. Can I run both TT out of such a pre amp? I have not thought about size, but I don't think it would be of concern, unless it was... 
egr1953Ironically, I purchased the Yamaha in the same manor. I was able to get it through a friend for dealer cost. I am very happy with it. Where I live, there are very few audio dealers. Best Buy is my only choice within 50 miles, its hard to ac... 
I'm sure the Magico A3 would be great, 12K that's pricey. I'm sure a big upgrade. 
I didn't mention that I was offered these B&W speakers by a friend who owns an AV business that does everything from theaters to home automation. One of his deals fell through and he has these sitting in his warehouse. I can only choose from t... 
VPI Classic Setup By Brian Walsh
I just had VPI set up my new Prime with a VDH cartridge. I didn't want to do it, it sounds good to me. Is this something I should consider? 
Advice on best mid priced MM cartridge choice for Rega P3 (2016)
I went from Grado Red to Ortofon Bronze, best $500 I've spent on audio so far. 
Springs under turntable
I bought those springs months ago. I put them under my TT and did not hear any significant difference. I did notice my TT became a little unstable and would skip if I accidentally bumped into my cabinet. Since I owned them at this point, I experim... 
Favorite song to demo or test drive speakers?
Steely Dan : AjaGrover Washington jr. : WinelightSarah Mcloughlin : AngelManhattan Transfer : Mystery 
Where do you go after a BlueSound Node 2i?
Do all of these streamers work with Amazon HD? I am streaming with a $40 Tao Tronics blue tooth receiver, which works ok but would like to improve the SQ. I would like to stay with Amazon HD. 
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
I still have a Harmon Kardon HK 2000 cassette deck. I used it to make tapes for the car. It was a good deck back in the day. Don't know why but can't bring myself to get rid of it. Nostalgia I guess.