Responses from chasda
You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which? Yamaha and Macintosh. Yamaha covers every aspect of AV from consumer gear to audiophile. Macintosh will satisfy the snobs. | |
Upgrading phono stage I was in this position just recently. I have a Yamaha AS2100 and wanted to upgrade the phono stage. My TT is a VPI Prime with a VDH Special MC cartridge and my budget was $1000. After many suggestions, I purchased a slightly used Musical Fidelity ... | |
Phono pre amp @elliottbnewcombjr There's no need to unplug the cables, the settings are changed on the front panel via push button. When you change a settings it mutes for a second then changes. I'm currently at 400R. It goes from 100R to 400R no settings for 2... | |
Phono pre amp @millercarbon Thanks for the explanation. I thought there would be one specific setting for resistance that should be used based on the cartridge. I will experiment with it today to see where the sweet spot is that does what you said. | |
Phono pre amp @lewmspecs The specs are hand written inside the box the cartridge came in, and the handwriting is poor. I think the output is .65mV. I think the MC resistance is 9 ohms +/- 10%. The load imp is 20 ohms to 47 kohms. There are 5 inputs MC/MM and 8 ... | |
Phono pre amp About 2 weeks ago I posted this question about upgrading the phono stage of my Yamaha AS2100. You guys gave me a lot of ideas, so I did my homework and chose a barely used Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl. I'm using the XLR output to my Yamaha. I'v... | |
Phono pre amp Thanks all for your suggestions. I never really knew how important a good phono preamp was. I thought my Yamaha had it covered. I'll use all the info to make a wise choice. | |
Phono pre amp @lewm Yes the specs are hand written in the box., not the easiest to read.Output is .65mVI'm not seeing compliance, but the Eff Arm mass is 14 grams. | |
Phono pre amp @chakster Thanks I will look into it. I appreciate the input. | |
Phono pre amp @verdantaudioI I do need to stay with black, as all of my gear including the TT is black. Thanks for the info, I will look into some of these suggestions. | |
Phono pre amp @chaksterIt appears to be low output, but the specs on the VDH are hand written in the box, not sure what they all mean. I'm a little over my head. | |
Phono pre amp @verdantaudioIf If it would make a significant improvement, I could see spending up to $1K on a separate phono pre amp. Can I run both TT out of such a pre amp? I have not thought about size, but I don't think it would be of concern, unless it was... | |
Opportunity egr1953Ironically, I purchased the Yamaha in the same manor. I was able to get it through a friend for dealer cost. I am very happy with it. Where I live, there are very few audio dealers. Best Buy is my only choice within 50 miles, its hard to ac... | |
Opportunity I'm sure the Magico A3 would be great, 12K that's pricey. I'm sure a big upgrade. | |
Opportunity I didn't mention that I was offered these B&W speakers by a friend who owns an AV business that does everything from theaters to home automation. One of his deals fell through and he has these sitting in his warehouse. I can only choose from t... |