

Responses from charles1dad

Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
In many cases more than 1% distortion compared with 0.01% in high power amps. In the vast majority of cases these very low distortion figures are achieved by judicious application of NFB which can often result in other sonic compromises. I agre... 
Toolshed Amps 300b Stereo Amp
@firstgrowth  I'm very happy with my purchase and can see living with this for quite some time. I understand perfectly. When you acquire a truly superb sounding audio product/component you cherish and appreciate it. There’s no desire to flip i... 
Toolshed Amps 300b Stereo Amp
@firstgrowth  I just took delivery.  Matt packed this thing to withstand a nuclear blast.  I'll post something once I drag it down to my listening room and get it set up. what are your listening impressions? Charles  
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@johnk +1, very logical. Yet lower-moderate sensitivity speakers dominate the marketplace. These speaker manufacturers know that with the proliferation of affordable transistor wattage/power, an amplifier is readily available for the typical 85... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@jjss49 Thank you for taking the time to do all of this comparative listening and then providing your impressions here. The big take away for me is how very close the sound quality is between these 2 DACS. It seems to me one has to resort to nea... 
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
TMR Audio told me that Project was a little slow on deliveries due to extensive testing of the RS2T. Sounds like they are serious about their quality control. Good news! Precisely the right approach to take. Charles    
Analog vs. digital
@sns Done with the discussion of measurements vs sensory perception. Agreed! This poor dead horse has been beaten countless times. Dismissing what you hear with an audio component is akin to buying video products and paying no heed to what you ... 
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
@johnlcnm  Did you order the RS2T transport or another Pro-Ject model? As I’ve reported, no problems with my RS2T. Good luck to you. If you don’t mind, let us know how things go with you. This company has been around for quite some time and is es... 
Analog vs. digital
There are many others who think like me. Good luck with your digital audiophile endeavour. I am sure you aren’t alone with your preferences. That’s great! Stick with what pleases you most. Why in High End audio do differences of preference a... 
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
Robert  If you can get a replacement unit this would at least give you the chance to actually hear it in your own audio system and then make a decision. No doubt though, it’s your call to make. If you decide to go with the Jay’s Audio CDT K III I... 
DAC comparison
@david_ten  I completely get your automotive analogy. I would say that this really applies even more so to audio equipment. Listening to music is undeniably an emotional undertaking (For me more emotional than driving). If the audio product fails... 
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
BTW I also purchased my RS2T from Underwood Hifi and I grade his service an “A”. I am glad to read that Wally is stepping up to the plate for his current customers. No surprise to me based on my experience with him. Charles  
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
@lpretiring I completely agree. Pro-Ject needs to acknowledge their QC issues and directly address and correct them. I’ve had no problems with my RS2T and use it very often for long listening sessions .   But others have had problems. This comp... 
Analog vs. digital
Digital recording can ’look’ good at first glance, but if you are familiar with live sounds and have a good ear you will agree with my statement. Not a single note right. Well I listen to live music performances often. 4 such outings in the pas... 
Small Form-Factor CD Player/Transport
@acresverde  Yes, that’s why I say my information is anecdotal and not officially sourced. Charles