Responses from charles1dad
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage? Onemug,That was a very good post. I agree with the COULD work given the OP stating his listening level is modest and he sits only 8 feet away. Eight quaility watts may very well be enough, with a revealing system 65-80db is plenty of volume. | |
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage? Daveyf,We both can agree that listening to the GH/Frankenstein combo would be ideal. I`ve not heard this GH just as you`ve not heard the amp in question. I did place this amp on a friends 89db/8 ohm speaker in a larger room than the OP`s room and ... | |
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage? Daveyf,Have you personally heard these amplifiers? I have and forming an opinion based simply based on specs alone is`nt good advice at all.Per the stereophile measurements this speaker has a very favorable load and phase angle(8 ohm nominal and m... | |
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage? Given your preferred listening level and moderate room size I feel the Frankenstein amp will serve you very well. Keep in mind this amp utilizes an interstage transformer in place of coupling capacitors in the signal path, this will provide a pure... | |
Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage? Dongiovanni,Your speakers present a very favable load for an SET amp, this means as much if not more than the sensitivity rating in many cases. How large is your room and at what volume do you listen? I`ve owned the Coincident Frankenstin MK2 for ... | |
Leben 600 with Omega Super 6 or Super 8 In my many varied experieces I`ve found that the power amps can impact the character of a system as much as a speaker change. For instance substitute a SS class AB amp with a DHT type be it SET or PP, very very different! | |
Leben 600 with Omega Super 6 or Super 8 Trehansid,Tvad made some good pointe except for suggesting you choose the speakers first. Your approach of amp first then speaker is just as valid. The point is ultimately proper speaker/amp matching. If for example you decided to go SET/OTL amps ... | |
Has anyone listened to the coincident linestage? Hi,I`ve owned this preamp for 11 months and it`s remarkable in my opinion.I`ts design is minimalist(only two source inputs and no remote) but the sound is so natural(organic) pure and transparent.The tonality is dead on with an exceptional sense o... | |
Anyone have Coincident Frankenstein amps? Good Morning Tony,I happen to be an ER physician and I think that fossa is cranial and near the nasal bone( it`s been many years since gross anatomy in med school LOL). What I mean regarding overtones are the additional notes and harmonies you hea... | |
Ess Sabre Dacs Daverhab,That was an excellent answer. Based on personal listening and reading various articles on this topic, the power supply quaility and analog circuit have far greater performance influence than the chioce of a particular chip. Shegeki Yamamo... | |
Anyone have Coincident Frankenstein amps? Tony, before I purchased these amps that was my primary concern also, would 8 watts drive my speakers. Israel Bloom promised they would be more than enough, well that was an understatement they are simply fanstatic with my speakers(Coincident Tota... | |
musical fidelity trivista 21 vs raysonic cd128 Thenis,I`ve heard rhe two raysonic players mentioned above as well as the MF trivista.The raysonics are`nt bad at all( in fact pretty good) but the trivista plays on a higher plane. It`more natural,organic and has superior musical flow and detail,... | |
can anyone recommend tube amp for dartzeel preamp? Raquel,Your friend does have high standards and expectations for his price range. But again you`re right , if he can buy a 70/70 amp for only 3 grand that is without any question an outstanding bargain. He would have top tier sound and might prefe... | |
can anyone recommend tube amp for dartzeel preamp? Raquel,You raise an important point concernoing the300bRenaissance/KT88 Phi300.1 comparision. I do believe it was largely a move based on business/economics rather than pure sonic performance alone. Kevin has gotten VERY good sound with the curren... | |
SET vs ICE vs GAINCLONE vs HYBRID vs other? Lcherepkai,What a well written, coherent and interesting post describihng your experience with varius amp topologies. My conclusion is the same as yours regarding SET amplifiers, they are`nt universal in application and do require favorable speake... |