

Responses from charles1dad

Magico S5 review
S7horton,You are correct, the comments of audiooracle are very strange and make little sense. Mreapoe100 is obviously happy with his Magicos and there`s no reason he must justify his purchase by auditioning a certain number of 'chosen' speakers fo... 
Speakers for low power tube amplifier
High End audio offers so many enticing possibilities.I`m enthralled with my speakers but I`d love to hear the Horning,Ocellia and Audiokinesis with my amp just for pure curiosity. They`re all different approaches with very good reputations. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hello Salectric,My cap value is 5.6 uf, one per speaker(tweeter). I got a 20% discount.Those are the only capacitors in the crossover (fortunately for me).There are no resistors in the crossover.Regards, 
Set amps ?
Maple,Most here agree, if you decide to try a SET with your speakers you`ll need the higher power versions(with good transformers and beefy power supplies). 
Set amps ?
As usual salient comments from Almarg. I would agree this Proac speaker is`nt a likely choice for 'lower' power SET amplifiers.However there are some SET models out there that will mate with this speaker superbly. Too bad that it`s usally difficul... 
Set amps ?
Maplegrovemusic,I would say the reason why well implemented SET amplifiers sound so good is due to a simple circuit that retains much signal purity. This results in a very natural sound and purity of music.In the current 6 Moons.com there is a rev... 
The best CD Player for the money
Kiwi,A friend of mine has the excellent sounding Modwright OPPO-95 CD/SACD player.His system is VAC preamp,Phi 300,1 monos and Siltech cables. Lately we`ve been compararing a number of same recordings(jazz) in Cd vs SACD format.Many of the AAD or ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring,I will follow your progress with much interest,I find this educational. I can`t wait to get my Duelund CAST crossover capacitors.Regards, 
Set amps ?
Agree with Sebrof,Straight forward and simple circuits that require fewer parts sound natural and very realistic,just more like what I hear at live venues. I respect other opinions that disagree,I`m going strictly on my actual listening experience... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannying,Given you appreciation for Duelund products would their resistors be a good choice for your amplifier project? I understand they are much more affordable than the capacitors. Is their size an issue? You seem to be having much fun with yo... 
Speakers for low power tube amplifier
Hi,Coincident,Rethm,Ocellia,Tonian Labs, Tannoy,Vaughn,Sonist,Zu etc. You have many good choices available.Low power tubes with high efficiency speakers is a good pathway to natural and realistic sound.You`re starting with a very good amplifier to... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Hi Phil,Are there specific characteristics of your DEF IVs that led you to purchase the Melody preamp(very positive Dagogo review) rather than an Audion pre to match your Audion amplifiers( thinking brand synergy)?Regards, 
Tube Amp For Revel F52`s...?
Scm,It`s good to rely on your ears and respond to what you hear.If the 10 watt Sophia amp sounds good I`d think a high quality moderate power tube amp with good transformer and power supplies will meet your expectations and improve the sound furth... 
Set amps ?
That Speaker is considered an easy load at 8 ohms with a dip to around 6.5 ohms in the lower midrange region. The sensitivity is only 83 db as measured by stereophile.SET amplifiers range in quality and performance as do all amplifier types.Given ... 
Newly Modded KWA 150 to SE
Mcondon,I understand your perspective.One thing I`ve learned regarding audio components is you actually have to hear them(if possible) in order to properly judge them. There is`nt a solid correlation between cost and sound quality all the time.Som...