

Responses from charles1dad

Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?
Sabai,there are so many choices in cables available you could spend a lifetime(or two) trying to hear them all.The Ocellia does`nt blow the ASI out of the water.They share similar qualities but the Ocellia is more natural, nuanced,refined and has ... 
DAC for my Esoteric X-O3 SE??
Both Srajan Ebaen and Jean Hiraga at one time owned the Esoteric UX-1 and interesting preferred the Yamamoto DAC than the Esoteric`s internal DAC. Same as you Daniel.I use The Yamamoto DAC and find it superb and utterly natural.Regards, 
Tube DAC Recommendations
Thanks bill,No op amps,seperate power supply and Duelund caps,I`d like to hear this Lenehan PDX one day.Regards, 
How important is 10 or 12 ohms to flea powered amp
I believe that generally speaking the higher the impedance load the more favorable it is for the tube amplifiers and likely more so for low power SETs. An 8 ohm load that`s reasonably flat should be no problem to drive. My speaker is a 14 ohm load... 
Balanced or Not
Swampwalker,Agree!I`ve heard exceptional sound from both fully balanced and single end RCA systems. Can`t say one bettered the other.Regards, 
Tube DAC Recommendations
Bob,The PDX looks like it cound be something special.Pasive resistor I/V straightforward output stage and wow, Duelund VSF capacitors with the level 2 mod(very interesting). What`s the output(volts) of this DAC and does it avoid the use of opamps?... 
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?
The Livelines are really very good.I used their IC and SC in my system for 2 years before purchasing the Ocellia Silver Reference to replace them.The Liveline do out perform a number of more expensive cable looms.I have not used either brand`s PC ... 
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?
Tedsnapp,Thanks for the additional information.This Ocellia and the Horning are speakers I must hear one day.Regards, 
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?
Sksos1,That speaker with a good quality SET must really sound quite special. I live in Michigan, if closer to you I`d sure accept your kind invitation.Does it use a crossover? My speaker has crossovers but there`s just a single cap at the tweeter(... 
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?
I own Coincident linestage and 300b SET amp driving Their speaker which is wonderful. Given my complete joy with the Ocellia cables(beautiful match in my system)I`d love to hear their speaker in my system.The model wirh the 12" PHY driver and twin... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Morganc,Do the nano drivers render the Zu more neutral or revealing than the Pendragon ? Was the Frankenstein 'warmer' with the Pendragon(is this speaker perhaps voiced warm?). The Frank`s sound does change significantly depending on choice of 300... 
Tube DAC Recommendations
You may want to consider the Concert Fidelity DAC.A used model is well within your stated price range.It`s exceptionally natural with wonderful tonality.Regards, 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Sabai,I want to make it clear that I`m not critical of your approach to building your audio system. I`ll assume we are in this hobby for love of music and good sound in our homes.There are those who will be more intense in their pursuit than other... 
Primaluna Dialog Two Integrated Amp vs Cayin A-88T
Eric,All Chinese components are`nt "crap" just a cliche.Go out and listen to various amplifiers and judge them. Nationality and brand name does`nt equate to better sound(believe me).Probably more important than speaker sensitivity in the load impe... 
Upscale audio advice
Well with a reply from BAT like that, now I understand why you`re quizzing the panel. Good luck.Regards,