Responses from charles1dad
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk? Sabai,there are so many choices in cables available you could spend a lifetime(or two) trying to hear them all.The Ocellia does`nt blow the ASI out of the water.They share similar qualities but the Ocellia is more natural, nuanced,refined and has ... | |
DAC for my Esoteric X-O3 SE?? Both Srajan Ebaen and Jean Hiraga at one time owned the Esoteric UX-1 and interesting preferred the Yamamoto DAC than the Esoteric`s internal DAC. Same as you Daniel.I use The Yamamoto DAC and find it superb and utterly natural.Regards, | |
Tube DAC Recommendations Thanks bill,No op amps,seperate power supply and Duelund caps,I`d like to hear this Lenehan PDX one day.Regards, | |
How important is 10 or 12 ohms to flea powered amp I believe that generally speaking the higher the impedance load the more favorable it is for the tube amplifiers and likely more so for low power SETs. An 8 ohm load that`s reasonably flat should be no problem to drive. My speaker is a 14 ohm load... | |
Balanced or Not Swampwalker,Agree!I`ve heard exceptional sound from both fully balanced and single end RCA systems. Can`t say one bettered the other.Regards, | |
Tube DAC Recommendations Bob,The PDX looks like it cound be something special.Pasive resistor I/V straightforward output stage and wow, Duelund VSF capacitors with the level 2 mod(very interesting). What`s the output(volts) of this DAC and does it avoid the use of opamps?... | |
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk? The Livelines are really very good.I used their IC and SC in my system for 2 years before purchasing the Ocellia Silver Reference to replace them.The Liveline do out perform a number of more expensive cable looms.I have not used either brand`s PC ... | |
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk? Tedsnapp,Thanks for the additional information.This Ocellia and the Horning are speakers I must hear one day.Regards, | |
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk? Sksos1,That speaker with a good quality SET must really sound quite special. I live in Michigan, if closer to you I`d sure accept your kind invitation.Does it use a crossover? My speaker has crossovers but there`s just a single cap at the tweeter(... | |
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk? I own Coincident linestage and 300b SET amp driving Their speaker which is wonderful. Given my complete joy with the Ocellia cables(beautiful match in my system)I`d love to hear their speaker in my system.The model wirh the 12" PHY driver and twin... | |
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3? Morganc,Do the nano drivers render the Zu more neutral or revealing than the Pendragon ? Was the Frankenstein 'warmer' with the Pendragon(is this speaker perhaps voiced warm?). The Frank`s sound does change significantly depending on choice of 300... | |
Tube DAC Recommendations You may want to consider the Concert Fidelity DAC.A used model is well within your stated price range.It`s exceptionally natural with wonderful tonality.Regards, | |
What Does Holographic Sound Like? Sabai,I want to make it clear that I`m not critical of your approach to building your audio system. I`ll assume we are in this hobby for love of music and good sound in our homes.There are those who will be more intense in their pursuit than other... | |
Primaluna Dialog Two Integrated Amp vs Cayin A-88T Eric,All Chinese components are`nt "crap" just a cliche.Go out and listen to various amplifiers and judge them. Nationality and brand name does`nt equate to better sound(believe me).Probably more important than speaker sensitivity in the load impe... | |
Upscale audio advice Well with a reply from BAT like that, now I understand why you`re quizzing the panel. Good luck.Regards, |