Responses from charles1dad
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup Spirit,You've discovered the natural beauty and uniqueness of a high quality SET, they will keep you very happy long term .It will be hard to live without these special attributes now that you've heard them. This particular NAT PSET provides a sur... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass Assad, You make some very good suggestions and have experience with these speakers. I 'd agree maximize speaker placement (although it seems there are some practical living room limitations). If this is only a partial solution then proper bass tra... | |
Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass Have you considered it may be speaker-room interaction?Acoustic bass traps may solve your problem.These speakers can generate significant bass energy, how large is your room?Regards, | |
Music Server now bane of my existence Nonoise,That was very well stated and certainly a number of others share your perspective. At this point there`re still too many glitches,gremlims,failures and lack of standardization.This genre is a work in progress and lacking reliability,consis... | |
Mulgrew Miller RIP Yes he was a top tier jazz pianist and I'm grateful that I was able to see him perform live on several very memorable occasions. I'll always have recordings of his to play and deeply enjoy. His jazz educational videos on you tube are so well done ... | |
Low gain power amp to match the Audio Note M6 pre I always appreciate Larryi's comments and observations. I do wonder if that amp may have been mated to an inappropriate speaker load. The Decware amps are often highly praised( have not heard one personally )I don't doubt Larryi heard what he hear... | |
Fuses that matter. "They do more for less than any other tweak I've tried"Lacee that's my conclusion also after using the Synergistic Research Quantum fuses .They provided a very noticeable improvement. As long as one observes the proper fuse value markings and the ... | |
Best Jazz pianist So many good choices as to be expected, there have been many talented pianist over the years and then factor in the multitude of styles. I'll base mine on who I find myself listening to the most often. Theloneous Monk, Herbie Hancock, Kenny Barron... | |
Need advice for 2a3s driver tubes in Melody M845 Gopher,What I've read about current 2A3 tubes the JJ is hard to beat in your price range. The EML is considered by many the standard choice of top tier 2A3 but is more money. Your amp deserves the best driver quality (and these are long lasting tu... | |
Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp Syntax,You describe the effect of silver well.Silver is only revealing the character of the system`s components.A good quality silver cable isn`t "adding" any glare,harshness,thiness,brightness etc. | |
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup Keith,Have the Valvet amplifiers out performed the Quads in your system?Regards, | |
Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp Zd542,No arguement there,results will most certainly vary from one person and system to another.I`ve just discovered that the better my system has become over the years the better silver sounds.Regards, | |
Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp Bo1972,My impression of high quality silver cable is the same as yours.Better resolution,openness and transpaency with improved tone,articulation and smoothness. Brightness and glare are non issues.I fine silver more truthful,natural and less colo... | |
Searching for preamp upgrade Rklune,Your advice is very good,start at the system`s signal orgin(source)in your chain of audio components. If the digital signal is compromised there are no changes to be made in downstream components that will undo this harm.At best they`ll jus... | |
high power tube amps vs ss Distortion or not, high volume levels if overdone will damage your ears . Unfortunately many musicians(this includes classical un amplified genre also) suffer significant hearing loss over the years due to excessive SPL environments. Be careful an... |